The kind folks over at Playskool were so kind and sent Peyton the Playskool Busy Ball Popper in celebration of his first birthday. It was not only a hit with Peyton but also with his 3-year old brother and 5-year old sister.

Playskool Busy Ball Popper Review
Looks fun, huh? The Playskool Busy Ball Popper is very colorful with bright colors children love. You can have this toy set up and ready to play with just minimal assembly. It comes with 5 colorful balls plastic balls that can be played with alone or in conjunction with the Busy Ball Popper. It does require 4 “D” batteries that are not included.
To start playing with the Busy Ball Popper you will need to start it by pushing the bright red button. Pushing the button will activate the music and blower. Drop one of the plastic ball onto the ramp and watch it roll down the blue ramp, through the clear tube and then watch it shoot out of the top only to fall back on the ramp and start all over again.
Sometimes the ball doesn’t land back on the ramp and that is where big brother and big sister have fun! They take turns trying to catch it and bringing it back for Peyton.
The Playskool Busy Ball Popper stimulates motor development skills and encourages play with the bright colors and music.
The Playskool Busy Ball Popper was the 2003 Nappa Gold Winner and has also won the Child Magazine Best Toy award and the American Baby Best Toy award.
Buy It: You can purchase the Playskool Busy Ball Popper for around $34.99.
The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely that of the blog owners. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.
Jessica LeBlond says
Some of the other Playschool toys that are favorites in our house are the glowworm, Mr. Potato head, board games and puzzles, dress up clothes, and the sit n spin.
We don’t have Kota the Dinosaur or any of his friends, but they look like really fun toys for dinosaur lovers. We don’t have the Tonka bounce back racer, but I know someone who does and they love it. The clipo toys and Dream Town Cherry Blossom and Rose Petal Cottage sets look like fun too.
tanii says
my son would love the TONKA Lil’ Gas Pump so he can fill up his cozy coupe
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angie says
I love the dressy daisy doll
angie says
twittered about the giveaway as well as following you on twitter
Amy McCathran says
The busy ball-tivity center also looks cool!
Amy McCathran says
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toni jensen says
the dance cam would be a hit in my house
mamabearmills says
the lil garden bench is adorable
mamabearmills says
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youre on my tech faves. im erinsm
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Adrienne G says
The tonka trucks would be well loved around here!
Adrienne G says
also a subscriber
Courtney says
I’d love to try the Dance Cam.
Courtney says
Courtney says
Added you to Technorati faves.
Kristy says
My daughter would love the clipo hippo!
Kristy says
Deb K says
I would love the PLAYSKOOL MADE FOR ME 2-in-1 Infant Gym and know that my granddaughter would too!
Deb K says
Jennifer says
I like the Gloworm!!
Jennifer says
I subscribe!
Keitha says
I would love to have the 2-in-1 Infant Gym
for my baby
Keitha says
email subscriber
HSB Suzanne says
I think my children would love the classic Mr. Potato Head.
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
HSB Suzanne says
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roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
marybeth i says
my kids would love the dressy daisy girls. we had the ball popper when my kids were babies and they loved it. I would love this for my niece
marybeth i says
i have your button on blogmania
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pls delete last comment – here is the tweet
marybeth i says
faved in technorati – misaacmom
Courtney says
We also love the Playskool Dance Cam! What a cool product! Thanks for the giveaway!
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My Moms View says
I like the clippo!
My Moms View says
Alice says
I think my daughter would love the start step walk and ride.
Alice says
I subscribe.
Alice says
I favorited on Technorati.
judy brittle says
The Rose Petal Cottage would be a favorite for my granddaughter. Thank you!
judy brittle says
I’m a subscriber.
judy brittle says
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Jessica Ebright says
I’ve had my eye on the Busy Ball Popper for my 10 month old…he’d love it! I also think he’d love Playskool’s Busy Gears as well.
Jessica Ebright says
..and I’m now subscribed.
K. C. says
My son has been wanting the Kota and Pals T-Rex.
Jessica LeBlond says
I subscribe now.
Christine L-U says
lucky you on receiving a gift. dd will be turning 1 soon. we’d love to try playskool’s balltivity center
Ginger Habrouck says
Playskool makes a lot of wonderful products! I know that when my new grand daughter is big enough we will be buying plenty of items from playskool!!
Ginger Habrouck says
i subscribed!
Gina Giddings says
I would have say the
PLAYSKOOL BUSY LIL GARDEN BENCH!! By hands up it looks like something fun!
Beth says
My kids would love the Mr. or Mrs Potato Heads or the Clipo. What a fun giveaway – I would LOVE to win this for my little ones!
cherice says
TONKA ROUND-ABOUT RAILWAY looks like tons of fun! Thanks for the chance.
cherice says
Just subscribed!!! Thanks.
Sylvia says
We would enjoy the DRESSY DAISY Doll
susan says
I think my little one would love the CLIPO Hippo.
susan says
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Tamara B. says
Tamara B. says
I am a subscriber.
Sara says
A Gloworm!
Sara says
I subscribe
Jenn says
Oh My I found something my daughter would just love the PLAYSKOOL DANCECAM! This looks so cool
Jenn says
I subscribe via email.
Michelle says
Definitely the dance cam!
Carol says
Clip Hippo is great!
Carol says
I follow on Twitter (cdziuba) and tweeted:
Carol says
Carol says
Carol says
Technorati fave blog cdziuba
Linda White says
tonka trucks last forever!
Heather M says
We love the Clippo’s in this house!! Thanks
Vicky H. says
My God-daughter would love the Dance Cam.
HilLesha says
I love the Dance Cam. 🙂
HilLesha’s last blog post..Deal of the Day at BabyAge
susan varney says
Stephanie V says
PLAYSKOOL GLIDE 2 RIDE Bike (Blue)looks fantastic!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
the dance cam
Roxanne says
I bought my granddaughter the busy balltivity center recently, lots of fun!
Felicia says
i subscribbe
Felicia says
i like the playskool busy basics busy poppin pals
renee says
the Dancecam, hands down!
Christine says
The Clipo Hippo looks like fun! Thanks!
Christine says
I am an email subscriber. Thanks for the chance!
Christine says
I tweeted at
Kelly Ann T. says
I would like the NOODLEBORO Learning to Share Fun Park Game.
Sarah says
I’d love to get my daughter Elefun! She would have a blast!
Darlene Taylor says
busy ball-tivity center
Tari Lawson says
I think my son would love the dance cam. His favorite show is “Dancing with the Stars”.
Cynthia C says
Gloworm is adorable. Thanks for the chance.
Carrie says
My kids would also like the
Carrie’s last blog post..At this point, I’m pretty much just a walking advertisement for why you should use birth control
Carrie says
I’m an email subscriber
Adorablyconfused at hotmail dot com
Carrie’s last blog post..At this point, I’m pretty much just a walking advertisement for why you should use birth control
hminnesota says
I like playskool products. I would choose start step walk and ride.thanks
Carol G says
Playskool has been a famous name in toys for years. I would like to see the PLAYSKOOL BUSY BASICS STEP START WALK ‘N RIDE in my grandson’s play area too.
jeanine says
my dd would love the sweet lily castle!
jeanine says
i subscribe!
beth shepherd says
Thank you for a great giveaway. I really like the dance cam for my daughters. Thank you
Vicky Boackle says
i like the glo worm.
Denise B. says
Our daughter would just love the “PLAYSKOOL DREAM TOWN ROSE PETAL Cottage”.
Shania Duncan says
Step start walk and ride
Monique Rizzo says
My daughter has wanted the Rose Petal Cottage for some time now!! Thanks for the chance.
Jennifer W. says
I like the Step Start Walk ‘N Ride.
Jennifer W. says
I subscribe via email.
Jennifer M says
I also like the busy ball-tivity center.
Susan Chester says
I think my grandsons would love the Tinkertoys-I did when I was a kid!
smchester at gmail dot com
Susan Chester says
I’m an email subscriber.
smchester at gmail dot com
Susan Chester says
I have your button at
smchester at gmail dot com
Melissa Butler says
I know he/she would love a gloworm ~ my sisters and I all loved our gloworms when we were little.
Marianna says
I like the Clip Hippo
ReggieMann says
I think my niece would love the Clipo Hippo 🙂
Vicki Wurgler says
my grandson would like the Step START WALK ‘N RIDE
shari says
i tweeted it!
shari says
i love the clippo creativity table..
Jennifer Short says
The Made for me 2 in 1 infant gym
Tarah says
Oh the Tinkertoys would be a huge hit in our house!
Terra Heck says
The NOODLEBORO Learning About Manners Picnic Basket Game would be fun for the kids. Thanks.
Terra Heck says
I’m an e-mail subscriber.
Mel says
WOuld like to get the dance cam in the future for my 2 little girls.
Melissa Brown says
My son would love the Clippos! He’s drooled over those for a while!
Melissa Brown’s last blog post..Giveaways!
Melissa Brown says
Melissa Brown’s last blog post..Giveaways!
Melissa Brown says
Stumbled: OSU2k1
Melissa Brown’s last blog post..Giveaways!
sandra says
they would enjoy mr. potatohead
John Carr says
My grand daughter would like the PLAYSKOOL DRESSY DAISY Doll (Caucasian)
Eileen Burke says
The dressy daisy doll is adorable, thanks!
ky2here says
I know my granddaughter would be over the moon with the PLAYSKOOL MADE FOR ME 2-in-1 Infant Gym.
Leslie S. says
The PLAYSKOOL BUSY BASICS Busy Lil’ Liftoff would be perfect for my son.Thanks!
Laura G says
My nephew would love the TONKA Lil’ Gas Pump for his jeep
Tara Hill says
I think my son would love the bounce back racer! Thanks!
Tara Hill says
I subscribed!
Melissa O. says
The Kota Pals Stegosaurus! I want to get one for my son. It’s so cute!
Melissa O. says
I am a subscriber
Lisa says
My son would love KOTA the Triceratops!
Lisa says
I’m a subscriber
ktanjatk says
ktanjatk says
Christine Walker says
My kid would go crazy for the dance cam!
Kate says
Haha, I love The Clipo Hippo! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Brie Padfield says
I think my son would like a glow worm
Brie Padfield says
Stumbled thumbs up Gypsymama
lee says
My daughter would love the Dance Cam. It looks like so much fun!
lee says
I’m a subscriber!
Jennifer Jozwiak says
I love the pin glo worm for my little one.
Chrysa says
The 2-in-1 Infant Gym would be great!
Chrysa’s last blog post..Free Sample of Cloud 9 Homemade Glycerin Soap
Sheila R says
My son would love the Tonka Cushy Cruisin Firetruck!
Sheila R says
I subscribe!
Hannah says
2-in-1 infant gym sounds nice since we are having a baby. 😀
Nanette Olson says
I like the lil garden bench
Pauline M says
My son has an uncle who is a police office and an uncle who is a firefighter. The Helmet Hero’s police officer hat would be a big hit with my little guy!
kathy pease says
kathy pease says
Brittany Rebello says
I subscribe
Dan says
My kids would also love the PLAYSKOOL BUSY LIL’ GARDEN BUTTERFLY
Cindy says
Definately the CLIPO Hippo would be the fave around here from them! Thanks for a great giveaway!
trin rimes says
My two would love the Playschool Dance Cam.
thanks for the contest.
Gianna says
I love the 2-in-1 Infant Gym 🙂
Helen says
My girls would love the SWEET LILY castle.
Michelle H. says
My little boy would love the TONKA WHEEL DRIVERS RUMBLIN’ ROLLIN’ CRANE.
Donna says
The helmet heroes look cool.
Middy06 says
My children would just love the PLAYSKOOL BUSY LIL’ GARDEN BUTTERFLY!
Middy06 says
I’m a follower as middy 06 and I tweeted this giveaway!
Janet F says
My grandson would love the Bounce Back Racer.
janetfaye (at( gmail (dot) com
Janet F’s last blog post..FREE Audiobook Download of the Month
Janet Fricano says
Email subscribed.
janetfaye (at( gmail (dot) com
Janet Fricano says
janetfaye (at( gmail (dot) com
Maureen says
My niece would love the Dressy Daisy doll.
Maureen’s last blog post..Red White and Blue Swap
Maureen says
I subscribe, Thanks!
Maureen’s last blog post..Red White and Blue Swap
Maureen says
I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted your giveaway.
Maureen’s last blog post..Red White and Blue Swap
Marcy Strahan says
Marcy Strahan says