Looking for eyewear for your children? Check out Frubi Shades: soft protective eyewear for children.
Living in Texas, many months out of the year we are exposed to extreme heat and sunlight. We spend a lot of time outdoors and my children’s eyes are exposed to the harmful UV rays. I recently received a couple of pairs of Frubi Shades to test out and my children seem to like them.

Here is the story about how Frubi came to be:
Gary W. Hall, M.D. an Ophthalmologist and expert in solar-related eye disease and three time Olympic medal winner in swimming and Renee Resler, entrepreneur and inventor of successful breakthrough technologies in the beauty industry, met while seated next to each other on a flight from New York to sunny Phoenix where they reside.
They started talking about Dr. Hall’s research in eye protection and as they continued their conversation ideas for an important new product started forming in Renee’s mind. By the end of the trip they had written a business plan on a napkin for a new venture in children’s eyewear. Soft, spongy, affordable, comfort-fit sunglasses that children would actually want to wear and would keep on. They decided to call them FRUBI® SHADES.
They both agreed that most people were not aware of the serious damage the sun’s rays have on children’s eyes. Renee was surprised to learn that children were even more at risk because their eyes were even less able to filter out UV rays and as a grandmother of four that concerned her very much. The PROTECT THEIR EYES Campaign became an important part of their ongoing conversation and they knew it was necessary to increase the public awareness to protect children’s eyes with sunglasses. Introducing FRUBI® SHADES …..
While reading up on Frubi Shades, I learned that the human eye is 10 times more sensitive to harmful UV rays than your skin is. That is scary for me. When we go outside, I put sunscreen on the little ones, but I’ve never made them wear eye protection. To be quite honest, I had no idea the sun could be so damaging to little eyes.
Frubi Shades are soft protective eyewear designed for children. The new Frubi Shades are patented with an ultraguard polycarbonate lens that offers maximum protection for the eyes of your little ones. Frubi Shades are designed for children 6 months to 6 years old.
At first your child may not want to keep them on but that’s okay. My one year old is like that, but I figure if I keep trying, maybe one day he’ll keep them on. However, my three year old loves them. He likes wearing them inside and outside as you can see from the picture above. My six year old daughter liked them as well but I don’t think they fit her well. I’m not sure if she is bigger than the average six year old, but the glasses looked really small on her face.
I do like that the Frubi’s are made with soft material and has a velcro closure. My three year old says they are very comfortable to wear. I also like the one-piece design without the hinges that could cause potential harm by pinching little fingers.
Frubi Shades have won several awards including:
- 2006 Family Choice Award
- Media Guide’s Best Baby Product
- 2006 Preemie Magazine Cool Stuff Award
- Family Review Center Recommended
- 2006 National Parenting Center Seal of Approval
Frubi Shades are available in many colors and patterns with styles suitable for both the girls and the boys!
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