With Halloween right around the corner and all the talk about Halloween costumes, I’ve been reading Where’s My Mummy?
to the kiddos. After reading it the first time Rylan loudly proclaimed, “Read it again Mommy!” and so I read it again and again and again!
Where’s My Mummy? is a 32-page hardcover book that was written by Carolyn Crimi and illustrated by John Manders. Where’s My Mummy?
is a story about Little Baby Mummy losing his Mummy during a night-time game of hide and shriek. He encounters a few Halloween characters that aren’t actually all that scary for Little Baby Mummy. But you’ll get a good laugh at which character actually gives him a good scare.
The illustrations are extraordinary and my children just love looking at the pages in this book. It is very well written and my children like following along with the noises of the deep, dark place.
Buy It:
Where’s My Mummy? is available for purchase at Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of $7.99.
Angela Bailey says
I love seeing all the different and unique halloween costumes the kids are wearing.
Angela Bailey says
I subscribe via email.
Dezi A says
Definitely the candy!! 🙂
Dezi A says
I subscribe with google reader.
cherice says
I have to say the candy! Thanks for the chance.
cherice says
I subscribe 🙂
Jen Burg says
I love to see all the kiddos dressed up. I even handmade my daughter’s costume this year to help me get into the spirit.
.-= Jen Burg´s last blog ..Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs DVD and Blu-ray for $10 =-.
Linda Kish says
My favorite thing is seeing the excitement on the faces of the little ones.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Jen Burg says
Commented on your post about Huggies 🙂
.-= Jen Burg´s last blog ..Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs DVD and Blu-ray for $10 =-.
Linda Kish says
I subscribe
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Jen Burg says
I subscribe!
.-= Jen Burg´s last blog ..Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs DVD and Blu-ray for $10 =-.
betty r~starting again says
I have to say my fav part of halloween is just walking around with my grandkids trick or treating.I just love watching them watch all the folks dressed up and their reactins..lol.
thank you
alwaysatryin at gmail.com
Mommy Kennedy says
I love Halloween because of how excited the kids get!
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Mommy Kennedy says
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Mommy Kennedy says
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Mommy Kennedy says
I Technorati’d this post 🙂
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Jill Garst says
I love coming up with my daughter’s costumes each year.
Bonnie W says
I just enjoy walking with my husband and two young sons house to house. They don’t quit until time is up 🙂
Bonnie W says
Bonnie W says
Entered the GE “Strong As Steel” appliance giveaway.
Terra Heck says
email subscriber
Terra Heck says
I love everything about Halloween from the haunted houses to the candy to the costumes to the candy to the decorations. My favorite is taking the kids trick-or-treating.
Donna Brown says
I love all the decoration and going to the haunted houses! Love a good scare!
Donna Brown says
I subscribe!
Jill Garst says
I tweeted it! Still not sure how to give you the URL. 🙁
vicki wurgler says
my favorite is seeing the little kids all dressed up eager to trick & treat
Melissa L - www.sweetbabycakesnmore.com says
I love the ambiance of halloween, to me it signifies fall, and cozy family fires.
Melissa L - www.sweetbabycakesnmore.com says
I entered the GE giveaway
Melissa L - www.sweetbabycakesnmore.com says
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Melissa L - www.sweetbabycakesnmore.com says
I have you favored on technorati
Melissa L - www.sweetbabycakesnmore.com says
I have your link on my website – http://www.sweetbabycakesnmore.com/agoracart55/resources.php
Christine Jensen says
I love all of the pumpkins and spice!
Bethie says
Please enter me. Thanks for the chance. My fav thing about Halloween is seeing the kids run around the neighborhood in costume. They are just too cute.
cheryl f says
I love seeing the kids dressed up and having fun.
kathleen says
My favorite thing is the annual party that we go to
kathleen says
I subscribe
Kerrie Mayans says
My favorite thing about Halloween is making costumes for my kids.
Kerrie Mayans says
I subscribe via google reader.
Tia says
I enjoy handing out treats to the kids.
Tia says
I entered the Strong As Steel giveaway.
Tia says
email subscriber
angie says
My favorite thing is seeing the kids all dressed up.
Tarah says
I love seeing all the creative costumes people come up with!
Kristi says
My favorite thing about Halloween are the big blowups we put in the front yard – a Frankenstein and a Hearse full of skeletons!
kherbrand at comcast dot net
.-= Kristi´s last blog ..According to Jane by Marilyn Brant: Book Review =-.
Kristi says
I signed up for the GE giveaway!
kherbrand at comcast dot net
.-= Kristi´s last blog ..According to Jane by Marilyn Brant: Book Review =-.
Kristi says
I follow through a reader but I signed up for your email anyway!
kherbrand at comcast dot net
Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities says
Walking around at night in the crisp, spooky fall air looking at the the interesting costumes.
.-= Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities´s last blog ..Curious Chef Children’s Cooking Products – Review and Giveaway =-.
Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities says
Blogged: http://www.brimfulcuriosities.com/2009/10/full-to-brim-kids-book-giveaway-list_05.html
.-= Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities´s last blog ..Curious Chef Children’s Cooking Products – Review and Giveaway =-.
Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities says
Blogged #2 http://www.brimfulcuriosities.com/2009/10/full-to-brim-kids-book-giveaway-list_05.html
.-= Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities´s last blog ..Curious Chef Children’s Cooking Products – Review and Giveaway =-.
Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities says
Blogged #3 http://www.brimfulcuriosities.com/2009/10/full-to-brim-kids-book-giveaway-list_05.html
.-= Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities´s last blog ..Curious Chef Children’s Cooking Products – Review and Giveaway =-.
Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities says
Blogged #4 http://www.brimfulcuriosities.com/2009/10/full-to-brim-kids-book-giveaway-list_05.html
.-= Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities´s last blog ..Curious Chef Children’s Cooking Products – Review and Giveaway =-.
Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities says
blogged #5 http://www.brimfulcuriosities.com/2009/10/full-to-brim-kids-book-giveaway-list_05.html
.-= Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities´s last blog ..Curious Chef Children’s Cooking Products – Review and Giveaway =-.
Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities says
tweet: http://twitter.com/iambrimful/status/4759824424
Carol G says
My favorite thing about Halloween is seeing the little kids in their costumes.
Carol G says
Entered the GE sweepstakes.
dorothy l says
scary movies con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
Marie says
I love seeing the kids all dressed up in their various costumes — they’re so cute!
.-= Marie´s last blog ..Mostly Wordless Wednesdays =-.
Christine W. says
I love seeing the little children all dressed up and not totally understanding about this trick or treat business. They are all so very cute.
thank you,
Christine W. says
I entered the GE “Strong As Steel” appliance giveaway.
Thank you,
Christine W. says
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Thank you,
Christine W. says
I commented on the Free Hallmark Card from Walmart.
Thank you,
Christine W. says
I commented on the coupon for the free box of Honey Bunches of Oats at Walmart.
Thank you,
Christine W. says
I follow you on Twitter and tweeted about this giveaway http://twitter.com/ossmcalc/status/4826411399
Thank you,
Christine W. says
I added Simply Being Mommy to my Technorati Favorites.
thank you,
Mia J. says
I like taking my daughter trick or treating and seeing all the great costumes and decorations.
Rosey says
My favorite thing is getting the kids dressed up for T-o-T’ing. Thank you.
Rosey says
Erica G says
My favorite thing about Halloween is seeing my daughter get so excited to get dresses up! Thanks!
sito says
I love to hand out treats and see how creative people can get with their costumes — and I dress up, too.
sito says
Twitter follower & tweeted, http://twitter.com/sito50/status/4908096015
sito says
I’m an e-mail subscriber.
Cheryl says
I love the scents! Spice Fragrances. My whole entire family is thrilled with this time of year. Great Deco’s, chill in the air. Such a fun time!
Thanks for a great contest! We love that book!
Jana Horne says
This year, I love that every time we mention the word “Halloween” our almost 3 year old squeals and does this crazy hop-dance.
Lori says
I love how excited my kids get about it – keeps me young!
Kimmie F says
My favorite thing about Halloween is going trick or treating with my lil boys.
Gabriel J. says
the candy is the best part 🙂
Christine W. says
I retweeted about this giveaway http://twitter.com/ossmcalc/status/4961196479
Thank you,
pixie13 says
My favorite part of halloween is seeing all of the clever costumes people come up with. Thanks!
pixie13 says
I subscribe to your RSS feed
mindy says
the costumes i love seeing the home made unique costumes
Ed Nemmers says
Eating the candy!
Annette E says
I love seeing my kids in costume. Thanks!
Annette E says
I’m a subscriber.
Carolsue says
My favorite thing is seeing all the kids in their cute costumes!
.-= Carolsue´s last blog .. =-.
Carolsue says
I subscribe
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Carolsue says
I’ve got your button
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Candie L says
I love all of the chocolate candy. thank you
Candie L says
I am an email subscriber. Thank you
amy delong says
I like the pumpkins,costumes,deco&of course trick or treat!
amy delong says
I subscribe by email
Amanda D. says
My favorite thing is watching my daughter trick or treat. macd82 at gmail dot com
Susan A says
Definately the candy – especially the Reece’s!!
Jennifer S says
Besides watching my kids enjoy Halloween, I love watching all of the other kids trick or treating, especially the small kiddos. Those costumes seem to be more creative/more fun:)
Brittney says
my favorite thing is seeing all the creative costumes.
Veronica Garrett says
I love haunted houses and haunted attractions.
kathy pease says
i love watching scary movies with my family 🙂
kathy pease says
email subscriber
kathy pease says
kathy pease says
tech fav klp1965
susan smoaks says
i love halloween candy
susan smoaks says
susan smoaks says
susan smoaks says
faved on technorati
dawn says
I love Halloween because of all te different costumes. It makes it so fun. Thanks
Bridget Combs says
We all love the dressing up part!
Bridget Combs says
email subscriber- brdgcombs at aol dot com
Bridget Combs says
following on twitter- @bridget3496
Lily Kwan says
My favorite thing about Halloween is trick-or-treating.
Lily Kwan says
I subscribed by email.
Jennifer Jozwiak says
I love the costumes!