Reduce is a company with a line of affordable, eco-friendly products that help you to minimize your carbon footprint. I was recently given the opportunity to try out the Reduce WaterWeek Bottles.
I guess you could say I’m a complicated person. I will not drink water from a cup. The only way that I will drink water is through a bottle and it has to be cold. So my only option has been to purchase bottled water. For a while I was refilling my plastic water bottles but stopped doing that after I read about possible links to cancers and such.
Here is some information from the Reduce website:
WaterWeek™ offers the ONLY true solution to end the costly and wasteful purchasing of bottled water without giving up convenience. Just fill, chill & go!™
- Saves consumers an average of $500 per year!
- Includes fridge tray that slides neatly into your fridge.
- Dishwasher and freezer safe.
By using WaterWeek Bottles you can help reduce the 25 MILLION bottles being thrown away every single day.

When I first received my bottles I immediately put them in the dishwasher so I could put them to work. Being able to put them in the dishwasher is a huge plus for me! With three young children, I simply do not have enough time to hand wash them.
After the dishwasher was done, I filled them water and put them on the fridge tray and placed them in the refrigerator. The fridge tray comes in really handy and keeps the bottles from tipping over and also keeps them nice and organized in the refrigerator.
I really like having a cold bottle of water ready at any time. Since I stopped buying bottled water to help with our waste I really haven’t been drinking enough water. Now with the WaterWeek Bottles I can enjoy cold water all the time.
Buy It:
You can purchase Reduce Eco-Friendly Products directly from the companies website. The WaterWeek Bottles that I received retail for $19.99.
Bridgette Groschen says
I love these bottles. I love the Chroma the best. Thanks for the giveaway!
Bridgette Groschen
Bridgette Groschen says
I entered the GE “Strong As Steel” appliance giveaway. Thanks!
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Tech id: joeandbridge
shannon gordon says
I will only drink water cold from a bottle also. I like the punch WaterWeek Bottles.
tomokomommy says
I like envy the best!
Abby says
I love shiver.
Abby says
Abby says
Stumbled: uberabby2
Abby says
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Abby says
Entered strong as steel
ahappyhippymom says
Wow what a cool product! I like the Envy set. Thanks for the giveaway.
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susan says
My favorite set is the naturals.
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shannon gordon says
I entered the “Strong As Steel” appliance giveaway. Thank You
Carol W. says
Punch would be my choice.
Carol W. says
I subscribe by email.
andrea v says
I like Chroma the most
andrea v says
email subscriber
Angela Bailey says
I like the Chroma set best.
Angela Bailey says
I subscribe via email.
Angela Bailey says
I entered the “Strong As Steel” appliance giveaway.
Julie Cutshaw says
main entry: Shiver would be my pick though they all are very nice thanks
Julie Cutshaw says
I follow you & tweeted thanks
itsallnew2me ” Enter to win a set of Reduce WaterWeek Bottles to help reduce your carbon footprint. Ends 11/04 @simplybeingmom
Julie Cutshaw says
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Bridgette Groschen says
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Courtney says
What a great idea! I need a couple sets of these. I love the naturals and the chroma set. Just beautiful!
Mrs. K says
I like the Punch the most!
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Mrs. K says
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kathleen says
I would enjoy drinking my water from the naturals set of bottles.
kathleen says
I entered the GE giveaway
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vicki wurgler says
I like the naturals
Bridgette Groschen says
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staciesmadness says
oh whoa, they are all cute.
I think I like Envy the best, but that’s a hard choice, super cute line!
Bridgette Groschen says
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Jaime says
fave is the punch set
Jaime says
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Jaime says
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Jaime says
Entered the GE “Strong As Steel” appliance giveaway
Francine Sanchez says
My favorite set is def. the Envy. However, I think if I get it for my mom for Christmas, I would get the natural.
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Francine Sanchez says
I blogged about it. Entry #1
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Francine Sanchez says
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Francine Sanchez says
I blogged about it. Entry #3
Francine Sanchez says
I blogged about it. Entry #4
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Francine Sanchez says
I blogged about it. Entry #5
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Francine Sanchez says
I now follow you on twitter and tweeted. Username: lovingtheliving.
**On another note I posted the blog entry on a blog I’m primarily using for blogging about giveaways. (I just noticed we weren’t supposed to do that). I don’t know how to get my comments removed. They haven’t showed up yet anyways. Cheers! Thanks for the giveaway..
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Francine Sanchez says
I put your button on my blog, Jumping on Trampolines, it is in the bottom right column.
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Francine Sanchez says
I added you to my Technorati favorites – username: luv2laugh
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Holly Dwigans says
I like the envy set! Very cool! Thanks for the giveaway.
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CMC says
LOVE the Naturals set
CMC says
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CMC says
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ReggieMann says
My favorite is Punch
ReggieMann says
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Kerrie Mayans says
The Chroma set is definitely my favorite.
Kerrie Mayans says
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Kerrie Mayans says
I fave you on technorati as degood
Kerrie Mayans says
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The Punch style bottles are my favorite.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Brittney says
I like the Naturals line.
Holly says
I like Punch the best.
Margaret Smith says
These are such a wonderful idea. My favorite design is the Shiver bottles. Thank so much.
Margaret Smith says
I entered the GE contest.
Margaret Smith says
I’m a subscriber.
Thanks again.
Tonya Martinez says
I like the waterweek bottles in Blush
Tonya Martinez says
I entered the “strong as steel” sweeps
Tonya Martinez says
Following & Tweeted
susan varney says
i joined the contest thank-you
Vickie Riddle says
Chroma is my favorite, although all of them are nice.
Vickie Riddle says
Subscriber via email.
Bridgette Groschen says
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Angela G says
I like Shiver the most!
Angela G says
I entered the GE contest.
Angela G says
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Angela G says
I faved you on technorati. ag1414
Angela G says
I follow you on twitter and I tweeted.
Mishia says
I love the Chroma set.
Mishia says
Melissa Resnick says
very interesting I like the Envy set
Daphne says
WaterWeek Chroma
is the perfect set
for keeping Earth safe
and keeping me wet!
Brooke says
It’s between the Naturals and the Chroma…
.-= Brooke´s last blog ..Winner of the Burt’s Bee Grab Bag =-.
Halle says
I LOVE the blush set
Leann S says
I like the Shiver collection.
Leann S says
Follow and tweeted:
Abby says
The Naturals are my fave!
ali says
I like the naturals pattern!
Lisa says
I love the Naturals. Thanks for the giveaway!
Colleen Yamamoto says
Love envy!
Brandi says
I like the envy bottles best!
Bambi M says
I love the Punch bottle set!
chastidy says
I like the Naturals 🙂
Bambi M says
I’m an email subscriber!
chastidy says
Entered the GE contest 🙂
chastidy says
I subscribe 🙂
Theresa Shafer says
Natural is the best for our family. Each one would get their color.
But if it was just for me, Purple.
Family comes first, so natural.
Theresa Shafer says
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Miranda Allen says
The Chroma Looks nice
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chastidy says
Jamie says
I love the Envy colors!
kristi blackstone says
Waterweek Kids is my fav choice! I’d love it for my sons!
Jes says
We like the naturals!
Dddiva says
I like the naturals best.
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Dddiva says
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Dddiva says
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Dddiva says
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ElV says
I like the Naturals
ElV says
I entered the GE appliances sweepstakes.
Talitha Lee says
I love the Naturals set! Thanks for the contest!
Angela Winesburg says
I love the Shiver bottle set, thanks!
Monique Rizzo says
Envy is my favorite. Thanks for the chance.
Homero Gutierrez says
Nice, I would love to have the Naturals set of waterweek bottles.
amanda says
My favorite is Envy
amanda says
Subscribed via RSS
Happi Shopr says
Shiver is my fave!
evelyn says
very nice
susan smoaks says
i like the water week naturals, although it will be more like a water day for me!
susan smoaks says
susan smoaks says
susan smoaks says
faved on technorati
Allegro says
The Chroma Is my favorite set. So pretty.
Allegro says
I entered the Strong as Steel giveaway today on your site.
Hope you win.
Theresa Shafer says
christopher h says
the shiver bottles are my favorite
Rajee says
I love the Chroma the best.
Rajee says
Rajee says
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Bridgette Groschen says
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Kate says
I really like the Envy set! Thanks!!
Lisa says
I like the Chroma set, very pretty colors!
Lisa says
I entered the GE “Strong As Steel” appliance giveaway!
Lisa says
I’m a subscriber
Leslie S. says
I love the Naturals set.Thanks!
Stacy K says
I just love the punch ones because purple is my favorite color.
Jennifer Jozwiak says
i like the chroma set. i love the variety of colors!
Candie L says
I like the naturals. Thank you
Shilo Beedy says
I love the naturals set
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Fionen says
My favorite is the punch set.
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Fionen says
I subscribe to Simply Being Mommy by email.
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Fionen says
I entered the GE appliance giveaway.
fionen_ftw AT fionen DOT com
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username: Fionen
fionen_ftw AT fionen DOT com
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Chrysa says
Shiver is my favorite.
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danielle says
I like the naturals
Chrysa says
Chrysa says
I entered the GE “Strong As Steel” appliance giveaway
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trixx says
My fave is the ‘Chroma’ WaterWeek set!
trixx says
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