Can you believe we only have about 2 months until school is out and summer is in full force?!? It seems like I just sent my first grader back to school and now she is almost done with the school year. I know for some parents that summer time brings many struggles. I always struggle at keeping the children busy with fun and engaging activities.
When I was younger my parents sent me to a private sitter. As I got older, I would spend a week at a Bible camp with the other children of our church. Being at the camp helped break up the monotony of the summer and allowed me to spend time with children my age and interact with my peers. I really think that interaction helps build courage and personality because it makes you talk and spend time with others.

KinderCare Learning Centers surveyed nearly 3,000 children to find out how they would like to spend their summer and then they created a summer day-camp program that delivers irresistible learning opportunities, hands-on involvement and unique experiences. They developed 12 unique week-long day camps with themes including:
- Wild, Wild West
- Wilderness 101
- Dig Ancient Egypt
- You’ve Got Talent!
- Puppeteer Road Show
- Gross & Gooey Science
- Spectacular Sports
- Animal Antics
- Science Adventures
- Art Expo
- Kids’ Kitchen
- Splish Splash
- Surfs Up!
- and Everyday Heroes.
And, for every week of themed camp that your child attends, he or she will receive a collectible camp-themed snap to go on a Summer Camp wristband. How cool is that?!? I really like the variety of themes and think there are multiple themes my children would love to attend.
KinderCare Learning Centers are accredited early childhood providers with approximately 1,700 centers located in 39 states and the District of Columbia. They offer a range of educational programs and after-school care for infants as young as six weeks old to school-aged children through age 12.
Whether or not your children will be attending a Summer Camp at KinderCare, remember to keep them engaged during the summer with arts, crafts, sports and learning. They will appreciate it and it will make for a fun summer for everyone.
Sharon7203 says
Thanks for the info yet again you are always on the ball with this stuff. Good job.
.-= Sharon7203´s last blog ..8lbs. In 14 days =-.
Betty N says
My younger grandchildren go to GP Camp. When the older grandkids went off to camp and the younger ones left at home, I created GP camp (stands for Grandparent but GP Camp sounds cooler. I send them a letter inviting them to GP camp and list some of the activities they will be doing such as field trips, crafts,cooking,game playing,etc. in sort of a newsletter format. They have loved looking forward to their camp