In addition to my four other family members that I write about quite often, I also have a four-legged family member who for some reason doesn’t make an appearance here very often. It’s probably because you can usually find him in his “house” trying to get away from the kids. In case you’re wondering, his “house” is his kennel. It’s filled with blankets and if he isn’t on my lap, he prefers to be there.
Piccolo is a Pedigree Ambassadar and over the past few weeks, my little dachshund has been trying a new food and it’s been going well. We spent the first week or so gradually switching over his food by starting with 1/4 of the Pedigree and 3/4 of his regular food and then went to 1/2 Pedigree and 1/2 regular food and so on until we had him solely on Pedigree food. I’m not sure if it was that he just liked the change or if the food was actually better, but most of the time he would dig out the Pedigree food from the bowl and eat it first.
The transition went pretty smooth but I did notice that his stools were a little runny. I’m fairly confident that it was caused by the change in food and I’m thinking I should have waited a couple more days before changing his diet completely. He is doing better now and really seems to be loving the new food. I haven’t really noticed any changes in his coat or teeth yet, but I’m still hopeful. I’m going to continue to feed him the Pedigree food and will report back with any new changes.
Dee says
Glad he’s doing better and lovin the food! 🙂
Louise says
Changing a dog’s food can be tricky. I’m glad he’s doing better though
LeeAnn says
What a cool job for your dog! 😀 I’m glad the transition has gone pretty well…it is always tricky to switch food.
karen M says
Thank You for the tip on changing his food gradually…. we did purchase a small bag.. but haven’t changed completely over yet. He does like it!