There’s something so peaceful about knowing that your family is complete. These three little people bring so much joy, love, hope, understanding, gentleness, contentment and inspiration to my life. I can’t imagine life without them.

Houston Texas Mom Blogger + Influencer
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Crystal Reagan, the owner and founder of lives in Small Town, Texas with her husband and 3 children. Crystal and her website have been featured on local and national news stations including Channel 2 Houston and ABC News. She has also appeared on BetterTV as a Mommy Expert for VTech.
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Staci @ 7 on a Shoestring says
I feel the same way about my 5 blessings. LOVE the pictures and the words are perfect. My kids are typically my biggest inspiration {alongside my husband}. BTW… totally adore your kiddos as well! 🙂
Crystal says
Thank you so much Staci! It was so nice meeting you and your family. I so wished you guys lived closer.
Sherrie says
I totally agree about my kiddo. He completes me and I could not imagine life without him. You are blessed <3
Crystal says
Thanks Sherrie! Having children can’t be compared to anything else in this world. Super special.
Rachel @ Following In My Shoes says
Beautiful.. . all of it.
And congrats on your FB announcement. 🙂
Crystal says
Thanks Rachel. I just spent much needed time with them yesterday and just wanted to post something more personal since I haven’t done that in quite a while.
And thanks again. We are excited.
Lolli @ Better in Bulk says
I have that same feeling with my 5. I didn’t feel complete until my youngest son was born, and then the peacefulness washed over me. Your children are absolutely lovely.
Crystal says
Thanks Lolli. I think so but I’m a little biased!
Emily @FamilyNLifeLV says
Beautiful pictures! I was just saying on FB the other day how it blows my mind that just when I think my heart can’t be anymore full, my son makes it grow with more love. Children are true blessings.
Crystal says
They truly are blessings, Emily. I can’t wait to see the little one your growing right now 😉
April Decheine says
Beautiful, I felt that way and still do after I had my third, Aerial, love my family!
Crystal says
Thanks April.
Anne - Mommy Has to Work says
Those are wonderful pictures!
Crystal says
Thanks Anne!
Penelope (NYC Blogger) says
That is how I feel too! What a beautiful family you have 🙂
Crystal says
Awww, thanks Penelope. You have a beautiful family as well.
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
There’s nothing better in life than kids. Beautiful, Crystal. 🙂
Crystal says
Thanks Liz and you are absolutely right — nothing better than kids.
Nichol says
Great pictures. Our family of 4 is complete. Though I wanted a family of 5 at one time, I just can’t go through medical issues again that have left me a complete mess in past years. We are happy with our 2 beautiful children who are now healthy!
Crystal says
Thanks Nichol. We always wanted four, but feel complete with five LOL!
Brett says
Beautiful family!! Such an amazing gift we are given.
Crystal says
Thanks Brett!
Stefani says
Great photos! You have such a cute family.
Crystal says
Thank you so much Stefani!
Beeb Ashcroft says
What a sweet and touching post!
Crystal says
Thanks Beeb!
Stefanie says
Crystal, you have a beautiful family.
Crystal says
Thank you so much Stefanie!
Tammy says
I feel the same way about my family.
Crystal says
It’s a great feeling, isn’t it?
Shell Fruscione says
They’re so adorable & I can’t wait until our family is complete!
Crystal says
Thank you, Shell!
Kelly says
Love this! It is a true blessing to be a mom. My life is so much richer now.
Crystal says
Thanks Kelly, being a mom truly is a blessing.
Stacie says
You have a beautiful family! My family is also complete with two daughters that I love to bits! I couldn’t imagine life without them.
Crystal says
Thank you so much, Stacie! I just love ’em to pieces.
Annie @ Mama Dweeb says
You said so much in so few words. You summed up exactly how I feel! With every single child, I always felt the longing for one more – as if there was someone yet to be in my family. After Lucy was born, I felt complete. My family was whole, I wasn’t waiting for anyone else!
Those photos are soooo stunning. You have such a beautiful family, Crystal!
Crystal says
Thanks Annie! It’s a great feeling knowing we are whole. Our family is complete.
JulieK says
SO simply stated but so beautiful! I know that I felt a move TOWARDS completion when our son was born, but of course we want more … so I am not quite “there” yet but… I can understand this feeling and the satisfaction you must have in your family! 🙂 Beautiful children!
Crystal says
Thanks, Julie!
Tesa @ 2 Wired 2 Tired says
What a wonderful collage and beautiful sentiment. Your kids are adorable.
Crystal says
Thanks so much, Tesa!
Jen says
You have a beautiful family, and this post is touching! I feel the same way about my kiddos, even though I had a tough evening with my big girl.
Congrats on making this beautiful dream a reality for another family too!
Crystal says
Thank you, Jen. We are all very excited.
Tricia Nightowlmama says
Took me over 20 yrs to say that my family is complete and each one is such a blessing and brings a different part to our family that wouldn’t otherwise be complete with them. I so know what you mean.
Crystal says
Each one really is a blessing. I’m so thankful and honored to be their mommy.
debra p says
What a beautiful family and indeed blessings!
Crystal says
Thank you, Debra!
Melissa says
What a sweet post! <3 Such gorgeous children and I feel the same way with my son…I can't imagine life without him. But I know our family is not complete and we are hoping for one more! 😉
Crystal says
Thanks Melissa and here’s to crossing those fingers for one more!
Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom says
I love these pictures! Your kids look so sweet and these photos show so many different moods and expressions!
Crystal says
Awww, thanks Kelly! They are a handful, don’t let them fool you.
Jenn @therebelchick says
You have a beautiful family! 🙂
Crystal says
Thank you, Jenn!
Jenn says
Great pics! We are looking forward to our family being complete in September.
Crystal says
Thanks, Jenn! September will be here before you know it.
Kenda @ Remaking June Cleaver says
What a beautiful legacy! Our children really are the best blessings in our life, aren’t they 🙂
Crystal says
They absolutely are!
Donna says
Beautiful. The photos of your beautiful kids, and your words. I feel the same way about my son. 🙂
Crystal says
Thanks so much, Donna!
Alison says
They are adorable to boot so that doesn’t hurt. 🙂
Crystal says
Thanks, Alison!
Jennifer says
wow you really do have such a great family and gorgeous kids!
But am I missing something? Are you preggo again?
Jennifer says
NEVER MIND!! I woke up this morning thinking, “why did I leave that comment?” I remember your Facebook picture now. 🙂 lol. yeah… don’t mind me.
Crystal says
Heehee, no big deal.
Marcie W. says
Love it, so wonderful!
Crystal says
Thanks, Marcie!
Billie says
Great pictures, you have a wonderful family.
Crystal says
Thanks, Billie!
Notorious Spinks says
Your family is pretty! Nothing like the joy of babies..
Crystal says
Awww, why thank you!
MomStart (Ashley) says
Oh my goodness, Crystal – Such wonderful pictures of such wonderful little people. So happy for you.
Crystal says
Thanks, Ashley.
Ty @ Mama of 3 Munchkins says
You have a truly beautiful family!
Crystal says
Thank you so much!
Virginia from That Bald Chick says
I feel the same about my two. People ask me all the time when #3 is coming along, and I just smile and say our family is complete. ((Congrats, btw))
Crystal says
It’s a great feeling, Virginia.
Theresa says
You have such a beautiful family Crystal!
Crystal says
Thank you so much, Theresa!
Amanda @ Natural Mommie says
I had (and still have) the same feelings once we were done and our little family was complete. Gorgeous pictures of your children!!
Colleen says
Love how you did the photos, and totally agree with my three I feel the same.
Toni @ A Daily Dose says
YOu have some beautiful kiddos!!!
Kathleen says
I couldn’t agree more and your children are all absolutely adorable!