This is a partnered post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Have you ever been at a point in your life where you are ready for change, but you just don’t know what that change is and how to make it happen?
For months I’ve been wanting something different with my hair and I’ve been going back and forth on whether or not to cut my hair. Each time I feel I’m closer to making a decision, I start second guessing myself and the negotiations with myself start all over.

Photo Credit: Diana Steffen
I tried finding a photo that truly shows how long my hair is, but since I seem to be the one that is always behind the camera snapping shots, this was as close as I could get. You really can’t tell from the picture, but right now my hair hits a couple of inches above my waistline. Part of me loves my hair, while the other part of me hates it.
I’m not sure if this picture is a good representation or not, but my hair is extremely heavy, thick and straight, and isn’t always the easiest to work with. Because I don’t know how to deal with it and style it, I’ve just let it grow and grow. Occasionally I’ll get it trimmed but other than that, I can’t do anything with it. It won’t hold a curl and it’s way too thick for many of the cute hairstyles I see these days, and it’s just kind of blah.

Photo Credit: Diana Steffen
This picture was taken back in June, so it’s grown some since then, but it’s even longer than it appears here. I actually kind of liked my hair that day, because every little strand just seemed to just fall into place. I guess that is what you call a good hair day. Those don’t happen very often around here.
 As I’m sure you can imagine, it takes a good chunk of time to blow dry my hair. Some days it can take up to an hour, depending on how soon out of the shower I start drying it, but most days it takes about 30-45 minutes. And you know what that means for my ends, right? Split Ends.
Right now at Walmart, Suave Split End Rescue products are currently on rollback for only $2.50 (marked down from $2.88). AND, this Sunday (September 28, 2014) there will be a coupon for $1.50 off Suave Professionals in the Sunday Paper, bringing the price down even lower. With a 70% reduction in split ends after just three uses, I’ll be trying it. And getting a great deal while I’m at it.
If you would like to try Suave Professionals while they are on rollback using the extra coupon in the Sunday paper, I’d suggest you make it to Walmart this weekend. And for one lucky reader, they’ll be able to try it for free with this $20 Walmart eGift Card giveaway! Hurry up and enter. The giveaway ends this Friday (9/26).
Kelly Hutchinson says
I was at this crossroad about 3 years ago. I had really ling and straight hair and I was just tired of it. I got an aline bob and I loved it. I felt so fresh and a bit re-invented!
Holly says
I have super fine hair so I have never had the negotiations. My hair has been short as long as I can remember. The only time I let it grow longer was when I got married. We came back from our honeymoon and it was immediately cut off.
Melinda says
I think it looks great. I know how you feel though, a change is just needed sometimes.
Raijean says
I agree Crystal looks fine but I understand change.
Audrey at Barking Mad! says
I should buy a domain and call it, splitendzIhazthem because that’s the story of my life lately! Oiy! I’m going to give this a try because the stuff that my stylist recommended a couple of months ago, isn’t working!
Jesica H says
I just cut mine all off recently. I am wishy washy though, I grow it then cut it, grow it then cut it. I say go for it – it’s just hair…it’ll grow back. 🙂
Angela S says
I used to have hair as long as yours. I agree, it is a lot of maintenance and good products are important. I eventually made the decision to go shorter. A lot of that had to do with my age, and I am a bit older than you. Unless you are planning to donate your hair, maybe just take baby steps and start with a few inches.
Jai Merrill says
I had rather long hair many years ago. At least it was long for me…a little past my shoulders. Once it’s gone you realize how much work it was to maintain.
Angela says
I recently had long hair that I finally cut after a couple of years. It was full of split ends. These sound like good products to keep the split ends at bay.
Nichol says
My hair isn’t nearly as long as yours but I’m tired of putting it up constantly. I also have thick hair so blow drying takes forever! I’m ready for a change and it is happening soon! Your hair is beautiful
Danielle says
Whenever I’m in the mood to cut my hair I always make sure I can still put it up in a pony tail. This mama needs her ponytail!
Valerie Remy-Milora says
I had short hair in a pixie most of my childhood so when I got to college I let my hair grow out.. then when baby #3 came along I decided to go super short again. I LOVED t! Then a few years ago my girls asked me to let it grow out again. It’s now halfway down my back and I am once again debating whether to cut it short again or not. For now I’m siding on “no”. Whatever style I choose though , I’m a natural kind a gal. I love to run a comb through my hair after I wash it and let it dry naturally 🙂
Raijean says
I say cut it, it’s just hair and it will grow back
Tiff @ Babes and Kids says
You know how I feel about this since I just cut all of my hair off. I seriously know how you feel. Everyone says your hair is beautiful and amazing and why would you ever cut it? But they don’t dry it and style it and get it caught under their armpits and have their husband roll on it at night and eat it…lol. When it comes down to it, it’s just hair. It doesn’t define you. I think you could pull a lot off, you have a really pretty face. A long bob would be cute on you. Whatever you decide, you need to be happy with how it is! 🙂
Julie says
It’s been a few years since I chopped off my long hair – it took awhile to grow back, but currently I love it long! Good luck figuring out what style you want! 🙂
Kathleen Kennedy-Leon says
I never really had long long hair like you–I can understand the cross roads because both of my daughters have been there–good luck with finding a new style!!! no matter what you will look great 🙂
Jody says
I cut my hair after having my first daughter – now 9 years later I am growing it again. Funny what stages we go through.
I have not tried that product, I’ll have to check it out.
maria says
I get bad split ends especially in the summer! I just trimmed mine as well.
Chrysa says
I think your hair is beautiful, but I bet you would look cute with a short style too. I recently cut several inches off my hair. In the past I have liked a shorter style, but this time I kind of wish that I had left it long!
Mellisa says
I want to cut but I am so scared too. I have had long hair my whole life.
Lena says
I need to check it out – need myself a new shampoo and you can’t beat this price!
Jeanne says
I LOVE your hair! If I had your hair, I wouldn’t have such short hair 😉
Sarah @ Must Have Mom says
I cut my hair, and I love it. I figured if I didn’t like it I could always grow it out again.
Debi says
I have been there. I cut my hair pretty short once but it just wasn’t me.
jennifer medeiros says
Good for you for thinking about it. I am not sure i would be able to cut my hair!
Vanessa: thequeenofswag says
I say cut it as I’m a short hair kind of gal. I like shorter hair cuts than longer ones.
Jennifer @ Mom Spotted says
Since I’ve cut a total of 20 inches this year you know my answer! I think you’d look great with short hair!
Elizabeth Ferree says
I have really thick hair and a few years ago I took the plunge and donated all my hair up to my neck. Boy was my husband shocked with the transformation but I loved the fact someone else could use it.
Penelope Guzman says
Don’t cut! Maybe trim, but not short. I didn’t realize how long my hair was and was planning to cut it, until I saw a pic of me now, and I LOVE it long!
Donna says
I’ve always had long hair. And at times I wish I could cut it, I know I can’t. I envy women with real short cute cuts but I know I just don’t have the face for short hair. I say leave it long or at least medium to long. Maybe you could find a cut that gave you a change but keeping it longish. 🙂
Anne - Mommy Has to Work says
I do this abut once a year. I’ll cut it for a while, then let it grow out.
HilLesha says
I think it is beautiful! I had always wished my hair was longer, but mine never wants to go past my shoulders for some reason. Therefore, I never look forward to getting trims, but I know it’s the only way to take care of breakage and split ends.
Jenn says
Sometimes it’s hard to have a good hair day. I understand the do I cut it struggle, I flip flop between loving long hair and wanting to try soemthing new myself.
Colleen says
Good Luck with your decision I keep going back and forth right now thinking I should cut mine but am not sure.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
Good luck, you’ll be lovely either way! I’ve never had that decision, I don’t like short hair for myself.
Marcie W. says
I always go through this type of decision making as well, but I never allow my hair to get to your length. This time I chopped it super short (much like Miley Cyrus) and am now growing it back out a bit. I feel you should do what is most comfortable for you while taking maintenance into consideration.