This post was made possible by iConnect: Influencer Management and Pampers. I received product free of charge, but all thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.
Just go ahead and send out the gold record now, because I’ve found your favorite new band. My toddler and her BFF’s wanted to show off their rockstar skills at a recent play date, sponsored by our friends at Pampers. These little rockers are letting you know that they’ve got some serious personality and funky moves.
We had a blast getting the little one together to rock out. Seeing their own personalities come out as they hit the stage made me laugh. Possibly even funnier was when they needed to recuperate from their jam sessions and just wanted to sit together on the couch.
I wanted it to feel extra fun for my diaper dudes and dudettes, so I set up a rockstar play date for them. Here’s what was included:
A Rockstar Play Date Checklist
Snacks. All rockstars need nourishment, as do their groupies (aka parents). We went with fruit and mini blueberry muffins for our gig. Not too messy and the right size for little hands.
Instruments. Rock out with instruments that are easy to hold, shake, and jam with. Tamborines, pianos, egg shakers, microphones, and drums are easy to play.
Stage. I used plastic tablecloths and 3M hooks to make a stage backdrop. I used a second tablecloth on the ground, but made sure it was secure so tripping wasn’t a concern.
Well-stocked Dressing Room. No one can rock with a sagging diaper. You know the one I mean. When baby’s diaper sags to her knees and makes her waddle like a penguin…that’s the sag. It’s not cool.
That’s why we were so thrilled to be wearing the new Pampers Cruisers. With three Extra Absorb Channels, the new Cruisers keep them drier and allow for freedom of movement. While the design of Pampers Cruisers has changed, the diapers are made from the same safe and mild materials as before.
Swag. Swagger isn’t just about style. It’s also about being able to move and groove. And with Cruisers’ three layers of protection and thin core that whisks away moisture, there’s no holding these mini-musicians back. Pampers Cruisers still provides up to 12 hours of protection to help baby stay drier – plus the new channel design will reduce sag. Their biggest fans also love the wide, stretchy sides that keep diapers snug and comfortable.
You can see more of our rocking and rolling fun, plus see the new Pampers Cruisers in action. I’m excited to watch our band grow up together, with many more play dates like this one. Since Pampers Cruisers are available in sizes 3 through 6, they’ll be showing off their swag for a while!
Do sagging diapers keep your rockstars from showing off their swag?
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Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says
Pampers is the only brand I used when my boys were babies. I knew I could always trust them not to leak!
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle says
I wish Pamper Cruisers had been around when my kids were little. We had some major sag action going on!
Dawn says
Don’t even get me started on the sag. When my son was a baby, he frequently looked like his diaper had been soaked in water.
Pam says
Pamper are great diapers. I expect to see a lot of them soon since my daughter is expecting.
Lindsey @ Redhead Baby Mama says
Pampers is what both of my kids used in the hospitals. It was our first dipe!
Kelly Hutchinson says
What a cute party! When my kids were babies, we always bought Pampers. I think they are the best brand.
Ora Lee Gurr says
What a catchy title for your article about Pamper’s new diapers. All kids would prefer the swag over the sag, especially at your rockstar party.
Debbie Denny says
Those Pamper Cruisers are fantastic. I like the extra absorbtion
Michelle F. says
We loved using Pampers on our daughter. Glad that they are always improving them.
kristi@ishouldbemoppingthefloor says
This is such an adorable idea!! I LOVE the #sagtoswag tag–too cute!
Debra says
What a fun play date! Such cute kids!
Jeanine says
Sounds like a great brand. I haven’t used pampers in years and years. I will have to get a pack and check them out again!
Crystal Green says
Pampers is a brand well worth relying on. It was the brand I trusted the most with my daughter. She was able to keep her “swag” on throughout her entire baby months with ease.
Amy @ItsAMindfulLife says
Your kids are adorable. Loved the pictures and video!
Nicole Escat says
Pampers is very popular and I know Pampers is a number one choice of all mothers.
Tonya says
What a fun day! Pampers have always been such great diapers.
Liz Mays says
I’m loving that stage! They can move around and dance all they want with Pampers.
Toni | BoulderLocavore says
Lady Lyla is giving Lady GaGa a run for her money on the stage presence! What a collection of cuties! And happier without saggy nappies too.
Karen says
Looks like the party was a big hit. I would have loved to have seen those babies dancing and singing.
Felicia says
I love that Pampers just keeps getting better! Those 3 channels make a huge difference.
Camesha | Mama Motivator says
Super cute! We were big Pampers fans! I love the #sagtoswag So cute.
Tracey says
What a cute party! Pampers is so fun and the term “sag to swag” just made me laugh!
Shell says
You had the cutest party! Pampers are a great brand- can’t go wrong with those!
Chrystal | YUM eating says
What a cute party! I am sure the rock and roll was divine!
Chasing Joy says
This sounds lik3 such a cute and fun event. It’s amazing how such little people can have such big personality.
Jasmine says
Your kiddos are adorable!!! Pampers does work wonders in the sag department,
Kasandria Reasoner says
What a fun looking party! I always used Pampers when my kiddos were little. Seems like they just keep getting better!
Ourfamilyworld says
It’s so nice to know that they keep on improving their products. I used only Pampers when my kids were babies.
Amber Edwards says
That is such a fun party for little kids!
WE adore pampers. My daughter is sporting the Swaddlers right now being a newborn. They just fit so nicely for my skinny babies.
Notorious Spinks says
This campaign is so cute. I hate those sagging diapers, too. It looks like you guys had a great time at the party, too. 🙂
Beeb Ashcroft says
Your party turned out sooooo cute, I love it!! What cute pies, I can’t wait for their second album, hahaha!
Danielle K says
Pampers were awesome with my son when he was a baby – they always moved with him and no leaks. Love the idea of a music party – perfect for babies 🙂
Shell Feis says
We love Pampers! They fit my son really well and don’t sag.
Rosey says
Swag is definitely way better than sag when it comes to diapers, lol. I love Pampers, always have (and my oldest is 27).
Holly @ Woman Tribune says
What a fun toddler play date you put together, and it is great that Pampers Cruisers were there to make sure no one became a saggy mess.