I remember as a teen I couldn’t wait to “grow-up” so I didn’t have to deal with all the acne. Little did I know that even at the age of 28 I would still be battling acne. When I was asked if I wanted to try Proactiv there wasn’t any thinking about it. I couldn’t wait to get that package in the mail.

- Renewing Cleanser
- Revitalizing Toner
- Repairing Lotion
The Renewing Cleanser is a unique, oil-free acne cleanser with smooth, tiny beads that exfoliate dead skin cells and other impurities. The prescription grade benzoyl peroxide solution deep cleans by penetrating pores and healing blemishes fast.
The Revitalizing Toner is an alcohol-free toner that removes excess oil for refreshed, clear skin and gently balances your skin tone. It also helps eliminate clogged pores.
The Repairing Lotion is a light, oil-free skin-clearing lotion with prescription grade benzoyl peroxide lotion that heals blemishes and helps to prevent new blemishes.
Proactiv Solution is different than other acne skin care. It’s a revolutionary, dermatologist-developed, 3-step acne system that both helps clear existing acne and prevent future breakouts. Requiring less than 5 minutes a day, it’s easy to make Proactiv part of your daily skin care regimen.
If you are a busy mommy like me, I’m sure right now you are thinking how in the world are you going to have time to use 3 different products every day. That is what I thought at first too! But I promise, it’s very easy and doesn’t take long at all.
You will start with the Proactiv Renewing Cleanser. Start with a dime-sized amount and massage it on your already damp face. Massage for about a minute or two, rinse well with warm water and pat dry. You will then use the Proactive Revitalizing Toner. Put some of the toner on a cotton ball or pad and apply it to the cleansed skin. Allow the skin to dry. Your final step is the Proactive Repairing Lotion. This really goes a long way so only use about a pea-sized amount. Apply a thin layer on the affected area.
It is recommended that you use Proactiv both in the morning and in the evening. If you notice any irritation, I would cut back to one application a day.
I’ve been using Proactiv now for about 4 weeks and I’ve seen great results. I’ve seen a huge difference in the amount of new acne and that makes me one happy mommy! I haven’t exactly timed how long it takes me to do the whole routine, but I’m guessing about 3 minutes max. It is the most worthwhile 3 minutes that I spend on myself. When my face is full of acne, I don’t feel pretty and I sure don’t feel lovable. But after using Proactiv, I feel like a new person. I feel confident about myself and that to me is worth 3 minutes every day.
Buy It:
You can purchase a 30 day trial of Proactiv for about $33 on Amazon.
Linda White says
Jessica simpson endorses Pro Active! My daughter is 24 and still has acne, has since she was about 11. Poor kid, she hates it and they arent the small bumps thay are the cyst type!
brenna says
I subscribe via email.
cherice says
Jessica Simpon is one of many. Would love to try seeing that you can use this while being pregos! Thanks for the chance.
cherice says
I subscribe 🙂
brenna says
Vanessa Williams endorses. (Sorry if this is a dup entry – I tried to enter, didn’t show up, tried again, got error, and it’s still not there, but my 2nd entry is).
Krystal says
I know Jennifer Love Hewitt endorses it.
Acne is such a stress, which is worse since stress causes even more acne!
brenna says
I commented on the Inbox Dollars post. https://simplybeingmommy.com/2009/08/20/inbox-dollars-earn-cash-by-reading-emails/
brenna says
I commented on the Arby’s fruit tea post.
melissa says
Vanessa Williams endorses proactiv and my 13 year old needs this alot!
Linda K says
Serena Williams endorses Proactiv.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Linda K says
email subscriber
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Casey Becher says
Jessica Simpson is one celebrity who endorses proactive. I’ve seen some of her commercials, too.
.-= Casey Becher´s last blog ..First Day of School!!! =-.
Casey Becher says
I subscribe via email.
.-= Casey Becher´s last blog ..First Day of School!!! =-.
Casey Becher says
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Casey Becher says
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Casey Becher says
I stumbled this post.
.-= Casey Becher´s last blog ..First Day of School!!! =-.
Sandra K321 says
I always see the Jessica Simpson ads on TV.
Casey Becher says
I have your button on my sidebar
.-= Casey Becher´s last blog ..First Day of School!!! =-.
Amber G says
Jennifer Love Hewitt endorses Proactiv and her skin is just gorgeous!
Meredith says
I always see the gorgeous Miss Jessica Simpson promoting their stuff, as well as Julianne Hough! Love them both! Thanks for the chance to win some of this stuff just in time for my wedding!
Meredith says
I am a subscriber via email!
.-= Meredith´s last blog ..Winner of the DiningRoom Direct Giveaway! =-.
Meredith says
Following on Twitter (Merri617) and tweeted: http://twitter.com/Merri617/status/3439220359
.-= Meredith´s last blog ..Winner of the DiningRoom Direct Giveaway! =-.
Meredith says
Grabbed your button: http://bosstownbabe.blogspot.com/
.-= Meredith´s last blog ..Winner of the DiningRoom Direct Giveaway! =-.
Michelle H. says
Julianne Hough endorses it.
andrea v says
jessica simpson endorses it
andrea v says
email subscriber
andrea v says
vickers2622RT @simplybeingmom Enter to win a 30 day supply of Proactiv at Simply Being Mommy http://tr.im/wHUS
sandy says
jennifer hewitt
Angela says
I know Jessica Simpson does- JUST saw the commercial!
.-= Angela´s last blog ..Guest Spots =-.
Allison Wilson says
Jessica Simpson endorses Proactiv =]
Shelley Mitchell says
Jessica Simpson endorses proactive.
Nicole C. says
Jessica Simpson endorses this!! My 17 year old son battles acne and would really enjoy this!
Stephanie says
Jessica Simpson endorses proactive
Stephanie says
I’m a subscriber
Stephanie says
Jessica Simpson endorses Proactiv =]
Christine says
Jennifer Love Hewitt endorses it. Thank you!
casey byrd says
Actress, All My Children
Sue E says
Jessica Simpson is one of several celebrities that endorses Proactiv. Thanks for the chance to win!
Christine V says
Jessica Simpson endorses proactive
Angela J says
Jennifer Berry
Denise B. says
Jessica Simpson
angie says
Serena Williams
Elizabeth J says
Jessica Simpson
Jennifer Wild says
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Courtney S says
Jessica Simpson
AB Smith says
Vanessa Williams endorses proactiv!
Melissa Barnes says
Jessica Simpson
Melissa Barnes says
email subscriber
Melissa Barnes says
have your button http://makingitbydaybydaywithasmile.blogspot.com/
Melissa Barnes says
favorite on technorati as darlanpaulsmamma
Melissa Barnes says
follow on twitter as lovinmykiddos and tweeted http://twitter.com/lovinmykiddos/status/3559749024
Madeline says
Jessica Simpson endorses proactive.
.-= Madeline´s last blog ..Sweet Dreams =-.
Sarah says
vanessa williams loves proactiv!
jill watkins says
Vanessa Williams endorses this- and Jessica Simpson!
jill watkins says
I sub via bloglines to the feeds.
jill watkins says
I commented on your CVS post- 8/23, I think?
Peggy Gorman says
Vanessa Williams endorses Proactive.
.-= Peggy Gorman´s last blog ..It’s a Girl !! A Baby Shower for Kailani =-.
Peggy Gorman says
Subscriber to Simply Being Mommy
.-= Peggy Gorman´s last blog ..It’s a Girl !! A Baby Shower for Kailani =-.
Peggy Gorman says
Follow and a tweet
.-= Peggy Gorman´s last blog ..It’s a Girl !! A Baby Shower for Kailani =-.
Peggy Gorman says
Added Simply Being Mommy to my Technorati Favorites.
.-= Peggy Gorman´s last blog ..It’s a Girl !! A Baby Shower for Kailani =-.
Peggy Gorman says
Added the Simply Being Mommy button to your sidebar
.-= Peggy Gorman´s last blog ..It’s a Girl !! A Baby Shower for Kailani =-.
Cori Westphal says
Jessica Simpson and Alyssa Milano.
joanmurraycefalu says
THe Jessica Simpson ads on TV are what I always see. Hope we win! I have two teenage daughters 🙂
Cha Ching Queen (Rachel) says
Thanks for offering this contest. Hope we win.
jessica simpson
Cha Ching Queen
.-= Cha Ching Queen (Rachel) ´s last blog ..Victorias Secret Free Pink Body Lotion! =-.
Lisa Duffy says
Serena Williams endorses this product.
annalene says
serena williams is one of the celebrities that endorses proactiv (i haven’t seen her in any of the ads yet though!).
annalene says
i’m subscribed via google reader
annalene says
i stumbled the giveaway (user: a1nn)
annalene says
added your button to my blog sidebar (i left the link in the website field on the form).
Valerie says
Jessica Simpson
Ken Robinson says
Proactiv has celebrity endorsements by Jessica Simpson and Vanessa Williams. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
Laura says
Wow, I did not know that Serena William was a celebrity endorser!
.-= Laura´s last blog ..Uh-oh! =-.
CC says
Vanessa Williams in a celebrity endorser
.-= CC´s last blog ..Legacy =-.
CC says
tweet: http://twitter.com/speech_hero/status/3674688656
.-= CC´s last blog ..Legacy =-.
CC says
I faved in Technorati: neonfish
.-= CC´s last blog ..Legacy =-.
CC says
I stumbled: neonfish
.-= CC´s last blog ..Legacy =-.
Cori Westphal says
Tweet: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/3679529543
Erma says
Jessica simpson endorses Pro Active!
Molly Krantz says
Julianne Hough from DWTS is an endorser.
Molly Krantz says
I subscribe.
shawna says
Julianne Hough
Bethany says
Jessica Simpson! 🙂
Bethany says
I’m subscribed by e-mail. 🙂
shirley hicks says
jessica simpson………..my son has acne and id love to win this
Ellie W says
I’ve seen Jessica Simpson endorsing Proactiv for several years now.
pamela s says
Jessica Simpson has been doing it for years. It made a big improvement too!! Thanks.
Samantha says
Jessica Simpson!
ElV says
Jessica Simpson has been doing commercials for years
Teresa says
Jessica simpson endorses Pro Activ
🙂 Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! 🙂
Tara Hill says
Jennifer Berry
Tara Hill says
I subscribed!
Happi Shopr says
Jessica Simpson endorses Pro Active. I could really use this to battle adult onset acne.
Rebecca says
Jennifer Berry endorses Proactive! 🙂
Rebecca says
I subscribed!
Rebecca says
Jennifer Berry endorses it! I’ve always seen Jessica Simpson, so it was good to see a few other people!
Tricia says
Julianne Hough endorses this product.
Cori Westphal says
I’m a subscriber.
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Blog Giveaways Ending 09/02/09 =-.
Amanda D. says
Jennifer Berry!
macd82 at gmail dot com
Cori Westphal says
Blogged: http://asahmlookingforadeal.blogspot.com/2009/09/blog-giveaways-ending-090209.html
Entry 1
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Blog Giveaways Ending 09/02/09 =-.
Cori Westphal says
Blogged: http://asahmlookingforadeal.blogspot.com/2009/09/blog-giveaways-ending-090209.html
Entry 2
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Blog Giveaways Ending 09/02/09 =-.
Cori Westphal says
Blogged: http://asahmlookingforadeal.blogspot.com/2009/09/blog-giveaways-ending-090209.html
Entry 3
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Blog Giveaways Ending 09/02/09 =-.
Cori Westphal says
You are in my Technorati faves: coriwestphal
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Blog Giveaways Ending 09/02/09 =-.
Cori Westphal says
I have your button: http://asahmlookingforadeal.blogspot.com/
Cori Westphal says
I have your button: asahmlookingforadeal.blogspot
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Blog Giveaways Ending 09/02/09 =-.
Cori Westphal says
Tweet: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/3702362990
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Blog Giveaways Ending 09/02/09 =-.
jennifer h says
Jessica Simpson is probably the most popular one. I used Proactiv for years and had great results. I really need to use it again.
Lisa says
Vanessa Williams endorses Proactiv. I think I saw Alyssa Milano in a Proactiv commercial as well.
Lisa says
I’m a subscriber
christopher h says
jessica simpson endorses proactiv
Jennifer Jozwiak says
Sean Combs, aka P Diddy
cassy says
Serena Williams
wombatspurple at yahoo dot com
Angela K says
Jessica Simpson endorses ProActiv.
Robert says
Vanessa Williams endorses Proactiv for healthy skin.
Susan Smith says
Jessica Simpson has been doing commercials
Sheila Hickmon says
Jennifer Berry does! Thanks!!
Sheila Hickmon says
I subscribe via email!
.-= Sheila Hickmon´s last blog ..Wendy’s Boneless Chicken Wings Review =-.
Sheila Hickmon says
I follow you on twitter, and I tweeted!
.-= Sheila Hickmon´s last blog ..Wendy’s Boneless Chicken Wings Review =-.
Sheila Hickmon says
I have your button! Towards the bottom under Great blogs to check out!
.-= Sheila Hickmon´s last blog ..Wendy’s Boneless Chicken Wings Review =-.
Sheila Hickmon says
I have you faved on technorati! mom2anutball
.-= Sheila Hickmon´s last blog ..Wendy’s Boneless Chicken Wings Review =-.
susan smoaks says
jessica simpson
susan smoaks says
susan smoaks says
faved on technorati
Kayce says
Chrishell Stause endorses it.
Nancy Mesmer says
Endorced by Jessica Simpson, Vanessa Williams and more. They look great!
kathy pease says
julianne hough
kathy pease says
kathy pease says
dawn says
Jessica Simpson is one celebrity who endorses proactive.
DanV says
One is Jessica Simpson
Lisa G. says
Julianne Hough endorses Proactive. Thanks!
Lisa G. says
I’m an email subscriber.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
Janet says
Vanessa Williams endorses proactiv 🙂
dani says
Vanessa Williams is one!
Dddiva says
Jessica Simpson
.-= Dddiva´s last blog ..More winners & another giveaway coming! =-.
Dddiva says
.-= Dddiva´s last blog ..More winners & another giveaway coming! =-.
Dddiva says
Renee Weiner says
Most men I know have acne on their backs. A spray would help.
Dddiva says
tech fave dddiva
.-= Dddiva´s last blog ..More winners & another giveaway coming! =-.
Veronica Garrett says
Jessica Simpson endorses it.
Charlene Kuser says
Jessica Simpson endorses Proactiv!
Charlene Kuser says
Subscriber via email
lea says
Serena Williams endorses Proactiv
Charlene Kuser says
Jessica Simpson endorses Proactiv
lea says
I’m a subscriber
Charlene Kuser says
Follow and Tweet:Swtlilchick
Charlene Kuser says
Comment on a post:
Tammy says
Ryan Scheckler is one
.-= Tammy´s last blog ..Clorox College Survival Guide 2009 – Tips & Advice =-.
Tammy says
I commented on https://simplybeingmommy.com/2009/09/02/free-10-babies-r-ustoys-r-us-gift-card-when-you-buy-pampers-diapers/comment-page-1/#comment-13038
.-= Tammy´s last blog ..Clorox College Survival Guide 2009 – Tips & Advice =-.
S Carter says
P. Diddy has been a spokesman
Tammy says
tweet http://twitter.com/threedifferent/status/3723601042
.-= Tammy´s last blog ..Clorox College Survival Guide 2009 – Tips & Advice =-.
Charlene Kuser says
I stumbled this post (Swtlilchick)
Marcy Strahan says
Vanessa Williams endorses Proactive!
Marcy Strahan says
I subscribe!
Charity Smith says
Jessica Simpson. Thanks
Charity Smith says
I follow and tweeted.
Charity Smith says
I subscribe via reader.
Donna K says
Vanessa Williams
.-= Donna K´s last blog ..Simply faBOWlous Review and Giveaway =-.
Donna K says
I am a subscriber.
.-= Donna K´s last blog ..Simply faBOWlous Review and Giveaway =-.
Donna K says
I faved you on technorati.(donnak4)
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Donna K says
Button on my blog.
.-= Donna K´s last blog ..Simply faBOWlous Review and Giveaway =-.
Donna K says
I tweeted:
.-= Donna K´s last blog ..Simply faBOWlous Review and Giveaway =-.
Cori Westphal says
And last but not least…
Tweet: http://twitter.com/coriwestphal/statuses/3725613350
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Win a Zhu Zhu Pet and accessories ENDS 09/03/09 =-.