When I started my blog, I didn’t really think about making money with it. It was just an outlet for me and a place for me to talk to myself. Surely no one else out there would be interested in anything that I needed or wanted to say. I mean, although I love writing, I just don’t have the talent that others have!
Within a couple of months of opening my blog, I learned all about affiliates. I figured since I was already writing, I might as well make a few cents. So, in honor of my 1,000th post, here is a list of some of the ways I make money online with my blog.
Logical Media is a great CPA (Cost-per-lead) network with some exclusive campaigns and pretty good payouts. They have a good variety of campaigns and many which are suitable for mommy bloggers and review bloggers. You will be paid via check once your account balance reaches $100. In February, I earned $45.75 with Logical Media.
MySavings Media is CPA network much like Logical Media. MySavings Media also has a good selection of campaigns that are suitable for mommy bloggers and review bloggers. I use MySavings Media to promote brand name printable coupons as well has free product samples. You will be paid via check once your account balance reaches $100. In February, I earned $14.55 with MySavings Media.
Escalate Media Network is also a CPA network with just a limited number of exclusive and popular campaigns. Many of the campaigns are coupon and freebie campaigns that are perfect for frugal bloggers as well as mommy bloggers. Even though they have a limited number of campaigns, their payout seems to be higher than the competition. You will be paid via Paypal once your account balance reaches $25. In February, I earned $22.78 with Escalate Media Network.
Panthera Network is a CPA network just like the others I’ve mentioned above. They have loads of campaigns, but I haven’t seen any lately that would complement my blog. You will be paid via Paypal once your account balance reaches $50.
Social Spark gives you the opportunity to write blog posts about a particular subject and then you are paid per post. Some posts pay as little at $5 and I’ve seen them upwards of $100. It really depends on the advertiser and their budget as well as your rank and writing skills. You will be paid via Paypal once your account balance reaches $50. In February, I earned $42.50 with Social Spark.
Google Adsense is an ad network where you earn money through clicks on ads on your website and well as through page views. I’m not really one for loading my blog with ads, so I really don’t make much with this option. I just started using them in December and really haven’t figured out where to place the ad to be more effective. You will be paid via Paypal once your account balance reaches $100. In February, I earned $12.29 with Google Adsense.
Sponsored Tweets pays you for tweeting. I currently charge $5.00 per tweet and advertisers come to you when they want you to tweet to your followers. They also have a referral program that earns you 10% of your referrals earnings. Sponsored Tweets is a very easy way to make a few extra dollars. You will be paid via Paypal or check once your account balance reaches $50. In February, I earned $6.60 with Sponsored Tweets.
LinkShare is an affiliate website but works a little differently than the few mentioned above. You get paid when someone clicks a link on your site that results in a sale for a specific advertiser. One of the advertisers I currently work with is iolo technologies. So, when I post about System Mechanic, I use LinkShare links. When someone makes a purchase, I earn money. You will be paid via check or direct deposit once your account balance reaches $50. In February, I earned $23.96 with LinkShare
MyLikes is a word-of-mouth advertising platform that allows influencers (that’s you) to create endorsements for products and services they like. You can post these endorsements on Twitter, your blog, etc. and then you get paid per click. They also have a referral program and you will earn $4 for everyone who signs up using your referral link. You will be paid weekly via Paypal when your account balance has reached $2.
Amazon Affiliates is a good way to make a few extra dollars by adding links for products you are already posting about. I often use Amazon affiliate links in my reviews. I also post about some of Amazon’s deep-discounted daily deals. You will be paid via Amazon Gift Certificate or Direct Deposit once your account balance reaches $10. If you prefer a check, you will be paid once your account balance reaches $100. In February, I earned $5.08 using Amazon Affiliates links.
I hope you find this helpful and hopefully help you make a little money by doing what you already do. While this isn’t a complete list, I will be working on another post about making money using survey companies and other companies such as MyPoints and Swag Bucks!
Julie Cutshaw says
Thank you so much Crystal for this very helpful info.You & I have talked before about how much I enjoy your blog as a subscriber & the fact that you have the same name as my daughter 🙂 and I so much appreciate that you took the time to give a detailed info on how to make money from your blog I truely hope someday to put my blog out there for others to really enjoy whether I make money from it or not and share my interest & love of sewing , painting along with reviews as a grandmother’s point of view on things,products others might enjoy, and this post you have provided has really help me understand better a part of blogging that I am not educated in at all. I hope & Look forward to seeing more advice you can give me & others I am sure in the future. You hard work & info on this post was very much appreciaed and those networks you have mentioned appreciate your help as well I’m sure to get other bloggers to step out & do more on there blogs. Thank you > Julie
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
Dezi Allen says
Wow! Thanks for sharing all that. I’ve always wondered how people start making money with their blogs. This is great!
Martha Payne says
Thanks so much for this. This is a truly helpful & useful post. I’ve heard of some of these, but others I hadn’t.
Lorie Shewbridge says
Thanks so much for the help. As we also have talked about this, I really appreciate this post. It’s nice to know that you can work with more than one CPA network. I was wondering about that.
I’m amazed that you have made so much money on Google AdSense, but as I type this I realize that you have so many more readers and followers than I do. I have not made that much from them at all.
I now have a great way to go with my blog. You have always been there for me to help me with my blog from the beginning. YOU ROCK!!
.-= Lorie Shewbridge´s last blog ..New Photo from Afghanistan =-.
Letha Kay says
Tried AdSense from Google. They suddenly banned me with no warning, and with no reason. Had lots of problems finding anyway to contact them. The form email letter did not answer my questions and I still have no clear reason why they stopped me putting their ads on my site. Banned for life if I understand it correctly. Surely a person should have a second chance with a second site and some experience under their belt. I am now trying to find similar programs that I can use. I like Amazon as an affiliate and am looking at Bidvitizer. Thanks for sharing your sites for making money.
Angelica says
Wow! Thank You for sharing this useful information. Great Blog! I love the design, it’s very nice. 🙂
tree says
Thank you so much for this post! i have had a personal/craft blog for a quite a while. i have often wondered how folks get started with product reviews etc. i’m not sure that’s the direction i want to take my blog in yet, but i really appreciate all the information you’ve shared. Definitely something i’m going to look over. It would be great to bring in a little extra money doing something i already enjoy. Thank you for sharing!
.-= tree´s last blog ..Just for fun. =-.
Tiffany Pettey says
This is nice to know. Never could turn down money making oppurtunities
.-= Tiffany Pettey´s last blog ..Wireless mouse giveaway =-.
Nicole says
Thank you!! This is very helpful for me since my goal over the summer is to better monetize my blog.
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Canadian-Friendly Friday Link-Up =-.
Kate @ The Shopping Mama says
Like Letha, I was banned by Google Adsense for who the hell knows what. But, I love your other suggestions. I need to figure out how to make better money with Amazon affiliates. Do you think you do better using it in posts or having the widget on your sidebar?
.-= Kate @ The Shopping Mama´s last blog ..Guidecraft Center Stage Puppet Theater Review + Giveaway =-.
Kristen says
I just signed up with sponsored tweeting and social spark!! Woohoo! Thanks for the other leads!
.-= Kristen´s last blog ..Friday Follow…How do you like my new blogface? =-.
Shop with Me Mama says
Wow! So much great information! I will have to bookmark this page! Thanks 😉
TerriAnn says
Nice tips. I’ve been trying affiliates but I have so little traffic so far (only up for 3 weeks) that I really don’t foresee too much coming from those.
.-= TerriAnn´s last blog ..Extra 50% off Clearance at Old Navy-5/28, 5/29 Only! =-.
Deanna U says
Thanks! I have heard of most of these, but Social Spark is a new one. Might have to check that out!