In celebration of the upcoming release of The Muppets, the kids and I decided to make some Kermit the Frog Cupcakes. Don’t worry if you’re not a baker (I’m not either), because these were super simple and easy to make.
It seems as though Kermit isn’t always the same color green and that was the hardest part of these cupcakes. With white frosting, a little green and yellow food color, I mixed and mixed until I got the green I was happy with. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t proud of myself. I had doubts going into this, but so proud of the outcome.
If you’d like to create your own Kermit the Frog Cupcakes at home, you’re in luck. I’m including the recipe for you below.

Kermit the Frog Cupcakes
- 1 box cake mix
- Ingredients for cake mix: butter, eggs
- 1 tub white frosting
- 48 white Mentos
- 24 yellow cupcake liners
- Black food-safe marker
Easy peasy and your children will love you! If you’re looking for more Muppets fun, take this little quiz to see which Muppet you are. I took it and it says I’m Kermit, which pretty much describes me completely!
Oh and just for the record, Miss Piggy loved them. Don’t forget — The Muppets hits theaters on November 23rd!
Melissa says
These pictures are adorable!
Nichol says
Oh my gosh how adorable are those!
Andrew says
These are beyond adorable. But that picture of Kermie giving Miss Piggy a cupcake is just priceless!
Amy Bellgardt says
This post was super cute!
Sharon says
Those look fabulous.
Kelly says
These are so cute! Love them!
Virginia from That Bald Chick says
Possibly the cutest cupcakes I’ve seen in a LONG time!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
They’re adorable, and you’re adorable! Really, really cute!
Theresa says
ADORABLE! My kids would love those!
Kasandria Reasoner says
Alexis AKA MOM says
OMGosh how cute!! And I just love that last picture! I have saved these to make for my son.
Kathleen says
How absolutely adorable and yummy looking those are!
Shop with Me Mama (Kim) says
Oh my heavens those are adorable!! Great job!!!
Courtney says
So cute!! I love the pictures!!
HilLesha says
Too cute!
Dee @ Cocktails with Mom says
Those are really fun and super cute. Great job!
nicole @WriteSpell says
Too cute. Looks delish too!
Krista Hewlett says
How ADORABLE! And the pics are awesome 🙂 🙂 🙂
Feast on the Cheap says
Adorable! Just saw a sneak peek of the Muppets this past Monday, these would make Kermie proud…
Dawn C says
Love it!
Brandy says
OMG I love these!!!
Amy says
So cute, how easy. I have a 13 yo that will love these – she’s way into frogs.
Lorie Shewbridge says
So stinking cute, I love them… and all your photos!
Curt says
One of the cutest and most clever cupcake decorations I’ve seen in a while.
Crunchy Beach Mama says
toooooo cute!
Stefani says
Your pictures are soooo cute!
HilLesha says
I like how you did the pictures. So cute and creative!
Laurie says
These turned out darling.
Beth @ TheAngelForever says
Thank you SO much for posting this. I just finished making these for my son’s birthday this weekend. He did not want Mentos, so I had to get a little creative. Mentos were much more kind with the edible marker, but still super cute.
Crystal says
Awesome! My children loved these.