If you find it difficult to do the grocery shopping with small children, the Floppy Seat is what you need.
It’s really hard to do any grocery shopping with kids. Actually it’s harder to do anything when there are small children involved. However, because my husband works long hours and I do 100% of the grocery shopping, it usually means my little ones have to go with me.
Now that my 8 month old is big enough to sit up on her own and actually prefers it over sitting in her car seat, it’s time for her to enjoy the front seat of the grocery cart. While I want her to enjoy it, the thought of the germs she could get from touching the cart make me a little uneasy.
A University of Arizona study revealed that shopping carts failed more hygiene tests than public restrooms. 54% of them were found to have some type of bodily fluid. (Source: Kelly Renolds, PH.D Microbiologist, U. of A.) Oh my gosh, that alone makes me want to never let my kids touch a shopping cart again. But, since that’s not an option, I’m thankful for shopping cart covers like the Floppy Seat®.
The Floppy Seat® is a shopping cart cover that covers all four sides of the shopping cart seat with its patented elastic perimeter. It also has a safety strap to buckle your child in, a side pocket for a bottle or toys, and a loop used to attach babies favorite toys, so you don’t have to worry about picking them up off of the floor.
I love all of these features but my very favorite part about this pretty little shopping cart cover is the built-in bag. The cover actually folds in to itself to create an easy to carry bag with handles and everything. The last thing I want to have to worry about, when I’m trying to get my little ones from the car to the store, is carrying a big, bulky, padded shopping cart cover. This makes that whole process so much easier for me.
You can even use the Floppy Seat® in a restaurant highchair, as well!
Like most moms, my preference is to leave the kids at home while I grocery shop. But, since that’s not an option unless I want to do my grocery shopping late at night, it’s nice to know there are products out there that can help me make my job a little easier and put my mind at ease when it comes to worrying about the germs they come in contact with.
You can purchase a Floppy Seat Shopping Cart Cover at many retailers nationwide for the suggested retail price of $39.99.
shelly peterson says
I like the Black Giraffe print
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shannon Baas says
I like the geo dots.
Tamar says
abc would be great
Jamie says
I’d choose sage safari.
stephanie hodges says
Butterflybliss or sapphire
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Kristi C says
I would choose the Geo Dots.
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Marcie W. says
I would choose the Black Giraffe pattern!
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Nicole Newby says
I would choose the black giraffe print.
Monique Garcia says
The pink one is so cute! I actually work at the University and know the researcher who did the germ comparison tests. Small world:)
Robert says
I like the pink paisley
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sandra davis says
i like the Turquoise Fizz Floppy Seat
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Jennifer Marie says
The pink floral looks nice.
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Jessica says
I like Black Giraffe.
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Stephanie Larison says
I like the pink floral one
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sharlene caisse says
butterfly bliss is really cute
shelly peterson says
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Mary Withrow says
My son does all the shopping, lol – so for my grand daughter, I would say he would probley love the Sage Safari. Thank you, Mary
Ruben Ramos says
sage safari
Marcie W. says
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Susan Chester says
I would choose ABC for my baby nephew!
smchester at gmail dot com
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June Lisle says
Sapphire is my favorite print.
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Suzie Williams says
I like the black giraffe print.
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Carol says
I like the Licorice Symphony
Messenger Bag
Carol says
Okay, since I can’t get the Licorice Symphony I’ll choose the Shell’s Swirls.
shelly peterson says
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Jen says
I would choose saphire!
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Debrah Reid says
I like the blue sapphire
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wendy rozema says
i’d choose licorice symphony
Bella Taul says
I really love the Turquoise Fizz but I would choose the Sapphire! That is such a pretty blue.
Heather Garcia says
Sapphire Floppy Seat
Adrian Mansion says
Turquoise Fizz is beautiful!
Nicolle says
Grape Sorbet
shelly peterson says
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Claudia L. says
I’d choose the Sage Safari pattern, for my Son.
Bella Taul says
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Marianna says
ABC is cute!
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Michelle Little says
I would choose the Pink Floral.
Brenda Elsner says
I would choose the Sapphire
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Laurie Emerson says
I would choose the Grape Sorbet.
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Brenda B says
I would pick the sapphire.
Amanda J says
Its a hard choice, but I would have to choose Butterfly Bliss.. We just found out we’re having a girl and I can’t get enough of everything pink, this is perfect and so girly!
Amanda J says
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Brittney House says
I like sapphire
Shaena H says
I love the saphire print!
tina reynolds says
I love the pink paisley thansk for the chance
tina reynolds says
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amy rouse says
Simply visit Floppy Seat and leave me a comment below letting me know which print you would choose!
amy rouse says
Leeann Bertrand says
Black Giraffee…….liked on FB
Tiffany Schmidt says
I love the black giraffe!
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Shannon Zupan says
I would love the Sapphire for my son 🙂
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Kayla M says
i like the grape sorbet.
Shannon says
I would choose Black Giraffe. Thank you!
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Carolyn says
I’d choose black giraffe
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Sara Bridges says
Geo Dots
Sara Mathis says
I like the Shell’s Swirls…
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kathy pease says
I like the ABC print
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Tiffany L says
I would choose sapphire
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jessica schueler says
Sage Safari
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Tweet 🙂
Allison says
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Allison bahr
I would pick Black Giraffe
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Jen F says
I like the Sapphire Floppy Seat® pattern.
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susan smoaks says
i would choose the sapphire print
Ashley Morrissey says
I love the Geo Dots! So cute!
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cassandra says
i would like the pink floral or shells swirls 🙂 i cant decide right now haha
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Breanne says
I’d choose Black Giraffe
holly says
i would choose Turquoise Fizz
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Marcy Strahan says
I would choose the Black Giraffe
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Shirley Zolenski says
I like the Turquoise Fizz
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