I was invited to California and received a travel and lodging expense paid trip, however all opinions are my own.
It’s almost been a year since I was on set during the filming of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. A full year, y’all. The only thing I’ve been able to talk about was being able to hold Chris Evans’ shield, but now that the embargo has been lifted, I get to share a special picture that has been under lock and key.

Zade Rosenthal © 2013 MVLFFLLC. TM & © 2013 Marvel. All Rights Reserved.
That’s me, the tall one on the end there with some special ladies I’ve met through this world of blogging. And yes, that is Chris Evans. The real Chris Evans. Captain America. That’s him.
This particular set visit was a big surprise to all the bloggers attending this event. While there were a lot of other pretty cool and amazing experiences during this trip, this one topped them all. Not only did I get to hold Chris Evans’ shield, I got to take a picture with him, too.
I’ve been on a few movie sets over the last few years that I’ve been working with Disney and one thing that really stands out to me about watching a movie being made is, it’s a super long process with a bunch of sitting around and waiting. That glamorous picture you have in your head where all these famous people show up to the studio at noon, record a few scenes and go home for the day — NO.
These amazingly talented folks actually have to work, y’all.
I can’t remember exactly how long we were on set, but it was a good while. And the whole time we were there, they were working on one scene. Over and over and over again. The same scene, the same lines, different angle. On average, they try to finish one page of script per day.
The set is much smaller than one might imagine. It’s just a big open room that is totally soundproofed from the outside noise. There is nothing glamorous or fancy about a movie set. You see a lot of exposed wires and boards, and it’s quite the opposite of what you think a movie set should be.
While I was on set, there were many other people there as well. Most of them just appeared to be sitting there, like I was. I’m not sure if they had a particular job function, or if they were friends and family of the cast, or what their role (if any) was, but they did a lot of sitting around and waiting, too.
Fandango just released a 4-minute clip and the FIRST 30 SECONDS IS THE SCENE WE WATCHED BEING FILMED. They were filming in the Quinjet and we actually got to WALK INSIDE OF IT. It’s kind of exciting so I felt the need for all caps. Check out this clip from the movie.
Chris Evans was so kind to take time out of his busy schedule and take pictures with us. He was incredibly friendly and so easy to talk to. Don’t forget, Captain America: The Winter Soldier releases in theaters everywhere on April 4th! If you would like to purchase tickets in advance, Fandango has you covered!
Are you as excited as I am about this movie?
Emilie says
That is awesome! We are HUGE Marvel fans here so I’d be totally in my element there too. But I know what you mean. I got to visit the set of the TODAY show in February and it was TINY. I mean TINY. They make it look so much bigger on screen. Plus the entire ceiling was covered in lights. Everything looks so much different on screen. Congrats on such an amazing opportunity! (And you can bet we are excited to see the movie!)
Nichol says
Oh jealous, how cool! I don’t think of filming as glamorous, but I would of thought they do more than one page a day! Seems crazy but they work hard to bring us such amazing films. Hubby and Gav are super excited about this movie!
Lorie Shewbridge says
What an amazing experience. I would have loved to have been there. You can bet we can’t wait to see it.
April Decheine says
That is so awesome! The movie looks great! Cool experience!
Stacey @ Cheap is the New Classy says
Sounds like an amazing experience! I can’t wait for this movie to come out!
Kelly Hutchinson says
Wow that must have been so exciting! We are very excited to see this movie. Cannot wait.
Tonia says
I would have loved to have been in your shoes. What an awesome experience! I can’t wait to see the movie.
Ashley S says
Oh wow so awesome!!! Definitely must have been a great experience 🙂 Can’t wait to see this movie!!
Hanan says
I’m always amazed at how long it takes to make a movie, from the start of the script to it’s release. There’s a lot of hard work that goes into them, for sure!
Nicole B says
Yes, I have boys and we go to all the Marvel movies. We’re looking forward to this one.
Cat @ TOTS says
That is such a cool opportunity and such a long filming! I cant wait to see it!!!
Anne - Mommy Has to Work says
I think I’m the biggest Marvel fan in this house. I love watching all the movies.
Wendy says
HOW COOL IS THAT??? WOW ! I definitely want to see this with my son- he’s the kind of kid who will LOVE IT!
Jennifer @ Mom Spotted says
What an awesome opportunity! It’s crazy how different things can be than what you think! Glad you had fun! So cool!
Lynsey @MoscatoMom says
VERY cool. Mike cant WAIT to go see this!
robyn says
Wow! What a cool opportunity! We are looking forward to seeing this movie. Captain America is a big fave at our house.
Lisa - BetweentheKids says
How awesome! My boys are so excited for this to come out! Looks like you had a great time!
Tonya {The Traveling Praters} says
What a great memory and fun event! I can’t wait to watch this movie.
Lena says
May I just say: Lucky you – looks like such a cool event to go to
Donna says
My husband is the biggest Captain America fan and would just die if I (or he) got to meet him. 🙂 That must have been such a thrill?!
Robin Gagnon {Mom Foodie} says
It must be a little weird doing scenes in front of a green screen sometimes.
Heather @OurKidsMom says
How incredibly FUN! This trip totally took the cake… how hard was it to keep the secret for so long?
Ashley - Embracing Beauty says
That is pretty incredible! Just looking at that green background reminds me how talented actors are. They’re real people just like us with a whooole lot of talent!
Sarah @ Must Have Mom says
One page of script per day? That is insane
Melissa says
Wow, that is crazy how long it takes to film each scene! We are looking forward to this one!
Vanessa: thequeenofswag says
That’s amazing. Super jealous. That would have been a dream come true for me to experience.
Tammilee T says
This day was absolutely amazing! I still can’t believe we got to watch a portion of the movie being made.
Cat Davis says
How cool for you guys. That looks like fun.
Digna D. says
This must have been so cool to go to. Thank you for sharing the pix.
Kathleen B says
OOOh you lucky thing. What an amazing experience!
HilLesha says
I’m not one to crush over celebrities, but I’ll have to admit that he’s a cutie! Looks like this is going to be a wonderful movie and I look forward to seeing it. 🙂
Ty @ Mama of 3 Munchkins says
Looks like an awesome experience!
Raijean says
This looks so cool, I can’t wait to see the movie!
Theresa @ Faith and Family Reviews says
I know my children are excited! One of my son’s asked me how you all are getting to go to these sets and I am not! 😉
Colleen says
Great photo of you all and I would love to be on a set one day. Even better if there are cute guys 😉
trisha says
I was on a movie set recently as an extra and they were filming a gun scene..its pretty neat!@
Tammy says
My family is really looking forward to this movie. It’s always great when my husband and daughter can agree on a movie they both want to see, LOL!
TerriAnn @ Cookies & Clogs says
Whoa – amazing to think how what you saw in an open, unglamorous filming room could turn into what was seen in the preview! That must have been such an amazing experience!
Liz Mays says
It’s actually comforting to know it’s not all glamour and fun! Ha!
Donna says
My son was an extra in a movie last summer, it was low-budget, I mean really low-budget so there wasn’t anything remotely glamorous about it. It was fun, though. 🙂 We love Captain America!!!
Marcie W. says
Chris Evans is so stunningly gorgeous! What a fun opportunity and a true look behind the glitz and glam.
Crystal Green says
This had to be an amazing opportunity. I know my kids would LOVE to meet him and ask him tens of thousands of questions. I look forward to watching this movie too.