Although my kids seem to be growing up much quicker than I’d like, I find that they still enjoy some of the activities they enjoyed when they were smaller. And coloring is one of those activities. Coloring pages, like these free Moana coloring pages, have saved my sanity more times that I care to admit.
I usually can’t get them to sit down and color at home because they’re busy playing outside or playing video games, but I can usually quiet and settle them down with coloring pages when we are out and about. With the release of Disney’s Moana on November 23rd, I thought it would be fun to introduce my children to the characters before we watch the movie in theaters.
Free Moana Coloring Pages
Disney has been so gracious as to create free Moana coloring pages that you are free to print and use. Print and color as many pages as your little heart desires. You can print one or you can print all six, it’s totally up to you!
To print these free Moana coloring pages, click the link (to your left) which will bring up the PDF files with all the pages. It’s super simple…and did I mention they’re FREE!!!
Just a mom tip, and it’s completely free too, but I always keep a bag of free coloring pages and crayons/coloring pencils in our vehicles because I never know when I will need to keep little hands occupied and busy. To make it easy, I store all the coloring pages and crayons in a canvas bag and keep it in the back of the vehicle out of the way. It stays out of sight, out of mind, until the kids start acting like they need something to keep them busy. My little bag of coloring pages have come in handy quite often.
Coloring isn’t just for kids, y’all. When I have time and need to de-stress, I love sitting down at the table and coloring my little heart out. Coloring is good for the soul, at least I think so.
Want more free coloring pages? Here are some more from Disney/Pixar:
Pete’s Dragon Coloring Pages
Alice Through the Looking Glass Coloring Pages
The Good Dinosaur Coloring Pages
Alicia says
I can’t wait to see Moana! It looks like such a great movie for kids and the whole family to watch. Once we set up our printer, I am going to print some of these! Thank you for sharing.
Maria says
I’ve heard such great things about this film. I love how diverse and multicultural the characters are.
Nellwyn says
These look like so much fun! Colouring is my favourite thing to do with kids so I’ll have to get some of these!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
I have always enjoyed Disney’s animated movies. I just saw the commercial for this earlier this week.
Carrie says
Thanks for the great coloring pages! I love to color along with my kids! It is so relaxing!
Annemarie LeBlanc says
Thanks for these printables. Now my granddaughter can have lots of her favorite Disney movies coloring pages to enjoy. I might join her too. I’ve tried my hand with adult coloring books and I found it so relaxing.
Scott says
We’ve been waiting for Moana since we saw the first preview this summer! We’ll be there on day one!
Elizabeth O says
These are the sweetest printables I’ve seen in a long while. My kids would have loved them when they were younger
Tiffany VanSickle says
I love all the details in these! I might just have to download them for myself! Haha
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
I’m hearing a lot bout this movie. It sounds colorful, which I’m sure makes the coloring pages exgtra fun.
Lindsey G. says
Thank you for these! I’ve gotta print because my girls are SO excited for this movie!
Brett Beyer says
Those are really fun! I need something to keep my boys busy during church. I like having coloring books to keep their hands busy. Thanks for the free download!
Cathi Crismon says
Oooooo…… These are fabulous!
I can’t wait to take my grandkids to see the Moana! I had an opportunity to see some previews in August and it’s simply gorgeous!