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5 Ways to Prevent Drowning
This is a partnered post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. You can tell by their sun-kissed cheeks and huge grins that it is officially summer. Like many children, my girls will spend the majority of their summer in the pool. So as Read More

Keeping Our Kids Safe with SmartFeed
One week of summer vacation, and I've already lost my children to the throws of their devices. Although I had grand plans of attacking our bucket list with fury, it was a slow and mellow week. It's probably what we all needed after a long school Read More

How to Host a 4th of July Parade
There is something so American about a 4th of July neighborhood parade. The grown-ups all sitting on their porches, sipping sweet tea out of mason jars. The children riding down the sidewalks on festively decorated bicycles. Can you picture it? We Read More

Patriotic Pretzels
Can you believe it's almost the 4th of July? Celebrate with us with these Patriotic Pretzels. Y'all, how is this even possible? The summer is flying by way too fast and I'm not the least bit excited about it. Before I know it I'll be sending the Read More