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45+ Best Monthly Subscription Boxes for the Whole Family
[This list has been updated as of 12/30/19 to ensure you have the most up-to-date information on the BEST monthly subscription boxes for your family.] If you're not participating in the fun known as monthly subscription boxes, you are missing out on Read More

Online Summer Learning Program + Giveaway
This is a partnered post. As always, all thoughts and opinions stated in Online Summer Learning Program are my own. The countdown to summer is on and I couldn't be more excited. I think I look forward to the summer months just as much as my children Read More

Pack a Lunchbox Kids Will Love
With three children in school, I make a whole bunch of lunches. But my kids lunches aren't the lunches I remember as a child. Thanks to all forms of social media, especially you, Ms. Pinterest, the bar is set much higher for the lunchrooms of today. Read More

Baked Cinnamon French Toast
Make breakfast special with this Baked Cinnamon French Toast. There are things I do and products I buy simply because that is what I remember my mom doing or buying as I was growing up. My mom didn’t spend too much time in the kitchen because my Read More